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Progress Test


Turn the following sentences and questions into reported speech:


1. What is your name? he asked me. ______________________________________________________________________

2. John asked Sam, Do you like computer games? ____________________________________________________________
3. Robert said, This film is very funny.______________________________________________________________________
4. Im starting a new job next week she said. ________________________________________________________________
5. I got my exam results last week he told them._____________________________________________________________
6. I cant afford to buy this dress said Sally _________________________________________________________________
7. That was a wonderful party said Jill._____________________________________________________________________
8. Oranges grow in hot countries the teacher said.___________________________________________________________
9. Where are your parents? Uncle Bill asked us _____________________________________________________________
10. Will you help me carry the box? Dad asked._____________________________________________________________
11. Have you met many other famous people? Simon asked the actor____________________________________________
12. What time will you be home? Mum asked me.___________________________________________________________
13. Can you play the guitar? he asked her._________________________________________________________________
14. We must go home now said the men to them. ___________________________________________________________
15. I dont like that jacket says Bob._______________________________________________________________________
16. I may be a little late this evening she said _______________________________________________________________

Se acorda 2 puncte din oficiu
16x0,5p= 8p

1. What is your name? he asked me.

He asked me what my name was.

2. John asked Sam, Do you like computer games?

John asked Sam if/whether he liked computer games.

3. Robert said, This film is very funny.

Robert said that the film was very funny.

4. Im starting a ne w job next week she said.

She said that she was starting a new job the

following week.
5. I got my exam results last week he told them.

He told them that he got/had got his exam results the

previous week.

6. I cant afford to buy this dress says Sally .

Sally says she cant afford to buy the dress.

7. That was a wonderful party said Jill.

Jill said it was/had been a wonderful party.

8. Oranges grow in hot countries the teacher said.

The teacher said that oranges grow/grew in hot countries.

9. Where are your parents? Uncle Bill asked us

Uncle Bill asked us where our parents were.

10. Will you help me carry that box? Dad asked

Dad asked if/whether I would help him carry the box.

11. Have you met many other famous people?

Simon asked the actor Simon asked the actor if he had met
many other famous people.

12. What time will you be home? Mum asked me

Mum asked me what time I would be home.

13. Can you play the guitar? he asked her

He asked her if he could play the guitar.

14. We must go home now said the men to them.

The men said to them that they must go home then.

15 .We dont want to watch a film tonight the children said.

The children said that they didnt want to watch a film that

16. I may be a little late this evening she said

She said that she might be a little late that evening.

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