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Reviso para o teste

1. Complete as frases com "There is" ou "There are"

1. __________ _____ three English teachers at my school.
2. __________ _____ a cat in the garden.
3. __________ _____ eleven boys in my classroom.
2. Passem as sentenas a seguir para a forma negativa.
a. There is a nice car in the garage.
b. There are great people here.

3. Passem as sentenas a seguir para a forma

a. There is a better place for you.

4. __________ _____ a pen in my pencil case.

5. __________ _____ a book on the table.
6. __________ _____ a computer in my bedroom.
b. There are animals in the park.

4. Traduzam as sentenas a seguir.

a. There are children in the shopping mall.
b. There is a woman in the house.
c. There are men on the street.
d. There is a person on the farm.

LISTA DE EXERCCIOS: Subject Pronouns/There is ,There are

1- Complete the sentences using

There is or There are :

A- ___________another language.
B- __________ many people.
C-__________many words for snow.
D-__________a problem in the house.
2- Write in the interrogative or negative form the sentences(Siga o modelo):
*There is a culture.
Interrogative- Is there a culture?
Negative There is not a culture.
A- There is an answer.
B- There are many peoples in house.
Interrogative _______________________________________
C- There are five teacher in the school.
Interrogative ______________________________________

3- In: We are in South Amrica. The subject pronouns is:

A- South Amrica (
B- in (

C- We (

D- are (

4- Complete the sentences using subject pronouns: (I,You,They,We,She,He,It):

a) Tom Cruise is American. Tom Cruise is married.
*Tom Cruise is American. ............. is married.
b) New York is a big city. New York is in the United States.
*New York is a big city. ............. is in the United States.
c) Elephants are big animals. Elephants live in Africa and Asia.
*Elephants are big animals. ............. live in Africa and Asia.
d) I and my brother love football. I and my brother watch football matches on Tv every Sunday.

*I and my brother love football. ............. watch football matches on Tv every Sunday.

5- Choose the right pronoun to complete the sentence:

___________ are Paul and Suzy.
a) He (

b) They ( )

c) She ( )

d) We ( )

6- Translate to Portuguese:
"There will be butterflies if life does not go through long and silent metamorphosis.( Rubem Alves)

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