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Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Teacher: Hofecker, Freeman, Grubbs, Carter

Date(s): 10/26/15-10/30/15

Grade Level or Course: 4th

Time: 11:20-12:30

Content or Unit: Language Arts

STAGE 1: Desired Results ~ What will students learn during this lesson?
SOL/Learning Objective

Specify the behaviors,

conditions, and criteria. Indicate
the verbs used in the
Curriculum Framework.
6 Create
5 Evaluate
4 Analyze
3 Apply
2 Understand
1 Remember

4.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts,
narrative nonfiction texts, and poetry;
h) Draw conclusions/make inferences about text.
i) Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
4.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts;
f) Draw conclusions and make simple inferences using textual information as
4.7 The student will write cohesively for a variety of purposes.
b) Focus on one aspect of a topic.

Measurable Objectives:

Students will be able to correctly make predictions and inferences on a fiction

or nonfiction passage on 3 out of 4 trials independently.

Cognitive Levels:

Metacognitive: Visualize

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Essential Questions &

Understandings/Big Ideas
Look for Essential Questions
that are overarching or topical
and help guide the unit plan.
These questions promote
conceptual thinking and add
coherence to a series of lessons.
An idea is big if it helps make
sense of seemingly isolated facts.

refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says,
drawing conclusions/making inferences from text
make, confirm, or revise predictions.
use text features, such as special type styles (e.g., boldfaced, italics) and
color, captions under pictures and graphics, and headings of sections and
chapters, to predict and categorize information in both print and digital
combine information from various places in the text to draw a conclusion.
make simple inferences, using information from the text.
I can make inferences while reading a fiction or nonfiction passage.

Essential Knowledge and

Student Understand
Goals: I can Statements
(I Can Statements)

I can draw conclusions after reading a fiction or nonfiction passage.

I can make predictions about a fiction or nonfiction passages.

Key Vocabulary
Look for in the Curriculum
Framework and other adopted

Instructional Strategies

Differentiated Instruction

Checking for

predictions, conclusions, inferences

Ladders to Success
Group Discussions
Short paragraph read with Q/A
Study Island
Benchmark Universe
Small Group
Independent Reading
Small Group
Whole Group
Graphic Organizer
Leveled Readers
Graphic Organizer
Class Discussion and participation
Questions and Answers
Study Island
Short Quiz
Multiple Choice Assessment

STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence ~ What is evidence of mastery?

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Assessment Part 1
Start with the end in mind!
Consider here a sample question
or performance task students
will need to do as evidence of
mastery of this objective.

Possible misconceptions
or learning gaps
Complete the above task yourself;
think about what might be
hardest for students to grasp?

Students will complete an IA assessment on their knowledge of these topics.

Students may have a hard time actually using the information from the
passages to draw conclusions, make inferences, or make predictions.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan ~ What are the strategies and activities you plan to use?
Snapshot / Warm-up

Activate prior knowledge and get

students thinking about &
motivated for todays lesson.

Monday: I will show a Flocabulary on context clues

Tuesday: I will have a short passage on the board and students will make a
quick prediction about it
Wednesday: I will show a Flocabulary on inferencing
Thursday: I will have a short passage on the board and students will make a
quick prediction about it
Friday: I will show a Flocabulary on using descriptive words.

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Hofecker Comprehension Teaching Stations (teacher) Led Instructional Content and Test Taking Strategy
Monday: Students will copy into their Language Arts notebooks helpful tips on making predictions and
inferences. They will then practice these tips using a comprehension passage from Benchmark Assessments.
Tuesday: Students will copy into their Language Arts notebooks helpful tips on making

predictions and inferences. They will then practice these tips using a comprehension
passage from Benchmark Assessments.
Wednesday: Students will be working on an SOL released passage and will make predictions and inferences
by using a graphic organizer and SOL released questions. (Two stations will complete this today)
Thursday: Students will be working on an SOL released passage and will make predictions and inferences
by using a graphic organizer and SOL released questions. (Two stations will complete this today)
Friday: (Whole Group) Students will continue working on their James river writing assignment. Students
will be writing to their parents about what it would be like to float down the James river all the way to the
fall line. They will be using the visualizing technique.

Independent Working Stations

Monday: Students will be working on Benchmark Universe completing leveled readers based on
their reading ability and answering comprehension questions. (This will take two full rotations of
both groups to complete.)
Tuesday: Students will be working on Benchmark Universe completing leveled readers based on
their reading ability and answering comprehension questions. (This will take two full rotations of
both groups to complete.)
Wednesday: Students will be working on Benchmark Universe completing leveled readers based on
their reading ability and answering comprehension questions. (This will take two full rotations of
both groups to complete.)
Thursday: Students will be working on Benchmark Universe completing leveled readers based on
their reading ability and answering comprehension questions. (This will take two full rotations of
both groups to complete.)
Friday: Students will be working on Benchmark Universe completing leveled readers based on their
reading ability and answering comprehension questions. (This will take two full rotations of both
groups to complete.)
Instructional Groups:
Reading groups formed based on
reading and comprehension levels
for instruction

Students are grouped into tiers. Tier 1: Students who easily master skills
and do not need remedial support daily or weekly. Tier 2: Student who
require remedial support 1-2 times a week and need extra time mastering
content (bubble students). Tier 3: Students who need remedial support
daily and extra time mastering content (intensive students)

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Teaching and Learning Activities ~ Small Group Emphasis

Freeman Differentiated Instruction
Monday: Students will work on the passage Best Vacation Ever. Students will start by reviewing vocabulary.
Students will build before reading comprehension questions. Students will read the passage and will
complete graphic organizer to answer comprehension questions. This will assess students ability to make
inferences. The question will be in What part of the country does the story take place?. (This will take two
full rotations of both groups to complete.)
Tuesday: Students will work on the passage Best Vacation Ever. Students will start by reviewing vocabulary.
Students will build before reading comprehension questions. Students will read the passage and will
complete graphic organizer to answer comprehension questions. This will assess students ability to make
inferences. The question will be in What part of the country does the story take place?. (This will take two
full rotations of both groups to complete.)
Wednesday: Students will work on the passage Best Vacation Ever. Students will start by reviewing
vocabulary. Students will build before reading comprehension questions. Students will read the passage and
will complete graphic organizer to answer comprehension questions. This will assess students ability to
make inferences. The question will be in What part of the country does the story take place?. (This will
take two full rotations of both groups to complete.)
Thursday: Students will work on the passage Best Vacation Ever. Students will start by reviewing
vocabulary. Students will build before reading comprehension questions. Students will read the passage and
will complete graphic organizer to answer comprehension questions. This will assess students ability to
make inferences. The question will be in What part of the country does the story take place?. (This will
take two full rotations of both groups to complete.)
Friday: IEP Documentation

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Work Stations Carter (instructional assistant) Led Practice, Application, and Skills
Workstations where students will: Practice new skills, apply strategies to new materials, and review previously taught skills
Differentiate activities based on students needs!

Monday: Student will complete I see and I think activity. Students have 4 pictures and under each picture
they write two sentences about what they see in the picture and then two sentences about what they infer
from the picture.
Tuesday: Student will complete I see and I think activity. Students have 4 pictures and under each picture
they write two sentences about what they see in the picture and then two sentences about what they infer
from the picture.
Wednesday: Students will play a drawing conclusions game. They will read a task card and answer the
questions on it. If they answer correctly they move forward. If they do not then they do not get to move on
the game board.
Thursday: Students will play a drawing conclusions game. They will read a task card and answer the
questions on it. If they answer correctly they move forward. If they do not then they do not get to move on
the game board.
Friday: Ms. Carter will support the whole group activity and assisting the exceptional education students.
Instructional Strategies
See above
Higher Level Thinking
Students will apply their
strategies to be able to
make correction
predictions and

See above

Checking for Understanding

See above

Connections to other subject

areas and/or authentic

*Technology Use
Benchmark Universe: Leveled
readers and comprehension
Study Island: early finishers can
complete study island

Students will be making predictions on a

Historical Fiction passage that
incorporates Virginia studies information.

STAGE 4: Closure ~ What did the students master & what are they missing?

*Lesson Closure &

Student Summarizing of
their Learning

Review what students learned or

should have learned. Recognize
gaps and allow them to help you
plan for the next lesson(s).

Monday: Students will write a quick prediction about a short passage and turn
it in to the exit slip folders.
Tuesday: Students will close out the lesson by listening to the Flocabulary
video on inferencing.
Wednesday: Students will write a quick prediction about a short passage and
turn it in to the exit slip folders.
Thursday: Students will close out the lesson by listening to the Flocabulary
video on predictions.
Friday: Students will read each others James river cards and write down one
important supporting detail from their writing that supports the topic.

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

Assessment Part 2
Revisit Assessment Part 1. Plan
a formative assessment which
shows concretely what students
mastered today. This might be:
Exit card
Short Quiz
Seatwork/Practice Sheet
Written response to a prompt
Oral responses/participation

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Monday: group discussions, exit cards, comprehension questions following a
Tuesday: group discussions, exit cards, comprehension questions following a
Wednesday: group discussions, exit cards, comprehension questions following
a passage.
Thursday: group discussions, exit cards, comprehension questions following a
Friday: group discussions, exit cards, comprehension questions following a

Teacher Reflection / Effectiveness of Learning

I will use the IA assessment, and small group discussion to assess what the students are
Special Education Accommodations:

Access to independent reading level texts

Repeat/clarify text
Preferential seating
Read aloud content and tests
Small group testing
Prompts and reminders
SOL audio format
Break material into manageable parts
Check work frequently to ensure understanding
Seated away from classroom distractions
Breaks as needed (during testing)
Read aloud (testing)
Audio (testing)
Small group testing
Close proximity to the teacher
Close proximity to teacher, white board, and smartboard
Access to independent reading level texts
Allow student to restate directions for understanding
Break material into manageable parts
Study guides with visuals and interactive notes
Audio SOL format
Read aloud tests
Small group testing
Frequent breaks
Allow extra time to respond

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Break material into manageable parts

Provide a copy of the notes/study guides
Close proximity to teacher and whiteboard
Read aloud (testing)
Small group
Frequent breaks
Repeat directions as needed
Close proximity with right ear toward instruction
Consistent and structured schedule
Flash cards for memorization of new concepts, spelling, meanings and practice
Study guides
Constant redirection to remain on task
Verbal praise
Repeat directions, student repeat directions for understanding and clarification
Shortened assignments
Repetition of information
1 to 1 testing
Read aloud for all tests including reading
Audio SOL testing
Timed breaks

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Small group version

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