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Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Teacher: Hofecker

Date(s): February 23 - 27, 2015

Time: M,T,W,Th, & F: 9:00 9:50 am

Grade Level or Course: Virginia Studies

Content or Unit: Major Battles of the Civil War

STAGE 1: Desired Results ~ What will students be learning?

VS 7b: The students will describe Virginias role in the war,

including identifying major battles that took place in Virginia .

SOL/Learning Objective

Essential Knowledge:

The first Battle of Bull Run (or Manassas) was the first major
clash of the Civil War. Confederate General Thomas Stonewall
Jackson played a major role in this battle.

General Robert E. Lee, Commander of the Army of Northern

Virginia, defeated Union troops at Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy. It fell to General

Ulysses S. Grant and was burned near the end of the war.
President Abraham Lincoln
used the Union navy to blockade southern ports. An important sea
battle between the Monitor (Union) and the Merrimack
(Confederate), two iron-clad ships, took place in Virginia waters near
Norfolk and Hampton. The battle was fought to a draw.
The Civil War ended at Appomattox Court House, Virginia,
where Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to
Union General Ulysses S. Grant in April, 1865.
Cognitive Levels

I can statements
VS 7b I can describe Viriginias role during the Civil War
Learning Objective (behavior, conditions and criteria)

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Students will create a Venn Diagram to explain the differences

between the south and the north
Essential elements version

Lesson Plan Template

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Essential Questions &

Understandings/Big Ideas

Essential Question (Big Ideas)

What were the results of the battles fought in Virginia during the
Civil War?

Key Vocabulary

Why is it important that the two sides went to war?

Free states, slave states, economy, agriculture, industrial, battle, draw

STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence ~ What is evidence of mastery?

Assessment Part 1
Possible misconceptions
or learning gaps

Venn Diagram
Virginia Studies notes

Students may have difficulty understanding the difference between life

during the Civil War and life as it is today.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan ~ What are the strategies and activities you plan to use?
Snapshot / Warm-up


Instructional Strategies

Use of online powerpoints, Jeopardy games, maps, games, flashcards, and

interactive notes
Monday Continue giving students the notes for VS 7b and

Teaching and Learning


Working in small groups
to create the dioramas
encourages creative
students to participate.
Checking for

reading from the Civil War battles book.

Tuesday - Students will complete the Battles of the Civil
War book, in which students will describe where each
battle took place, which side won, the general accredited
with winning the battle, and draw a picture to go with it
Wednesday Students will continue working on the
Battles of the Civil War book.
Thursday Students will complete the cut and glue
activity to sort important information about the important
Civil War leaders
Friday Students will complete the Civil War leaders and battles sheets
Higher Level
Technology Use
Connections to other subject
Students can
areas and/or authentic
explain why a applications
Civil War is so
destructive to a
Grade and pass back Thunks daily and check all classwork.

STAGE 4: Closure ~ What did the students master & what are they missing?
Lesson Closure & Student
Summarizing of their

Monday- Where was the first major battle of the Civil War and which side

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Essential elements version

Lesson Plan Template

Assessment Part

(Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Tuesday What is someone who opposes slavery called?
Wednesday Who was the president of the north?
Thursday What was the south called? What was the north called?
Friday What was the outcome of the Civil War?
Battles of the Civil War book

Teacher Reflection / Effectiveness of Learning

The teacher will use anecdotal and formal data to assess mastery of material and to determine
individual need for remediation or enrichment.

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15

Essential elements version

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