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Directors Chair Interview

By Marlow Green
1. In what ways does you media project use ,develop or challenge forms and
conventions of real media products?

Thriller conventions consist of : Tension building music

Dark gloomy lighting
Crime and chase scene
Camera angle changes

Our film showed some of the conventions used in thrillers, here shows a crime which is
about to happen and a capturing in an area which is not well lit up.
2.How does your media project
represent particular social groups?

Male in the top picture shown is wearing

nice clothes and is shown in a positive
way .

On the other hand male in the bottom

picture is in dark clothing wearing a
woolly hat and is show in black is
portrayed in a negative manner.

Our film shows the black male dressed in

black committing a crime this could be
stereotypical to the black community
3.What media institution would distribute your media project?

I believe that film four would distribute our media project due to Film Four distributing
films what represents life in the U.K and it would therefore appeal to the British market,
also the success of “Slumdog Millionaire” and “East is East” may convince Film Four to
take the risk to distribute our film.
4.What is your intended audience?

Our intended audience is 16-24 males as they seemed to be the type to enjoy an action
based thriller
5.How did you attract your audience?

WE attracted our audience by conducting audience research this was done by us

developing a questionnaire this was to:
Give us an idea of what people like about films

The age ranges of people who watch films

How often they watch films

And also other info

We found that people mostly enjoyed comedies but they also enjoyed thrillers and
action films. Due to this we tried to use our results to make our film. This will then
attract our audience due to the film being of the genre they enjoy.
6.What have you learnt about the technologies from the process from filming,
acting and editing?

I learnt that :

•How different shot angles can give off

an different effect on your film

•How to edit a film in way to make

sure it is continuous

• The acting had to be professionally

done or it would take hours to

• It also takes a long time to edit as

you want your work to look perfect.
7. Look back from your first task what difficulties did you encounter?

The main problem we encountered was traffic and the pedestrians on the street we
had a huge problem with the traffic as we was filming on the roads cars got in the
way and we had to wait till the road where clear to continue filming also the noise
the cars made also made it difficult , the pedestrians also cause problems by getting
in the way of shots.
another problem we had was working against time as we had to complete filming
before sunset as the shots will look grainy if filmed at night

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