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Data Trends

Connor Diers

The bubbles move upwards and to
the right, showing a correlation
between life expectancy and income
From 1800 to the 2000s both values
increased in all countries

The X coordinate of a bubble indicates its value
for the X variable (in this case income per
The Y coordinate of a bubble indicates its value
for the Y variable (in this case life expectancy)
The radius/size of a dot represents the
population of a country
The color of a dot represents the region the
country is located in
The motion of a dot shows the change over time
of a countrys data in the two specific areas

Murder per 100,000 people vs

Unemployment rate aged 25-54
These two sets of data seemed entirely unrelated. Most
countries experienced a steady increase in unemployment but
few experienced a substantially increased murder rate.
The exception to this rule is the Philippines, which are
represented by the red dot farthest to the right in the second
image. The Philippines experienced a direct correlation
between unemployment and murder rate.

Life expectancy in years vs children

per woman (total fertility)
The general pattern is that as life
expectancy increases, the number of
children per woman decreases drastically.
An exception to this trend is Yemen, visible
as the green dot at the top in the second
image. As the life expectancy increases the
number of children also increases in Yemen.

Age at first marriage (women) vs

child mortality
The general pattern shows that over
the course of the 20th century, as the
age at first marriage increased, child
mortality decreased.
The exception to this rule is Ukraine.
During the early 1940s (WWII), child
mortality increased drastically.

Life expectancy vs number of dead

kids per woman
The pattern is that as the life expectancy
increases, the number of dead kids per woman
The exception to this rule is Europe during the
1940s; almost all European countries see an
increase in life expectancy without a significant
change in the number of dead kids per woman.

Human Development Index vs

Newborn Mortality Rate per 1000
The general trend is that as the HDI
increases, the newborn mortality rate
The exception to this rule is South
Korea. The newborn mortality rate
increases slightly even though the
HDI is also increases

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