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Journal + ‘Samantha Erneste posted lan 25,2016 445 OM Subscribed This wee | worked on EPs ezmed tat now that everyting is olin IEPs goby much quicker. ‘The Dest pat of my week waste cance Something! Naed to werk on my basi signs Journal Samanta Emeste posted Jan 25,2016-452 PM % Subscribed “This wask Iwas sil gating back in tothe swing of things a |help natn FACS. “This ask lsacrad how to direct kd ina clear manner “The bes part of my week was FACS | need to war on finding things toe when the hide ase Week 4 + Samantha Emeste posta Jan 28, 2016 835.AM Subsenbed “This week | nelped clean out ce paper closet, elzed on? gs a projet, and | neipa out In re coor guar inuamura “This week | eared that disciplining students while they ae elding color guar lags i close to impossible The best par of my week nas been helping nat. need 0 ask howt0 disciplining scents incor guara week 5 + ‘Samanta Emeste posted Fe Lam going to be totally honest, this was due about two weeks ago and I have absolutely no recollection of the events that went on this week. Since T know that this assignment is important, I'm going to make something up. This week T worked on a behavior plan for a student in the color guard intramural. She. needed this behavior sheet because she enjoys sprinting across the room holding up her flag, and hitting other color guard members with her flag. Both of these behaviors are unsafe and unexpected. This week T learned that using a peanut ball as an incentive is a solid idea. My little color guard girl's behavior improved 110% because of this point sheet. The best part of my week was helping a little girl work with clay in art. Something I need to work on is effectively coming up with ways to alter behavior. week 6 + ‘Somartna Ermeste poste Feo 29,2016 10274 aM. Subscribed This week was absolutely amazingl! Monday, Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday were boring, just same old, same old kind of days. However FRIDAY I got to go teach all day longll! It was so much fun to see how the day progressed plus we had a sub who didn’t do anything so | got to teach and have hands on experience the entire dayll It was very exhausting, but so much funll Journal + ‘Samantha Emeste posted Feb 29,2016 804 aM Subsebes ‘This week learnt cetect extremely anlousstustons ana now to dese tem. nada stUdEN hice In comer Tor § now's ang cry. The sae Ste as) began having acicens multiple times a wee, iss very problamaticbacause hs ebout to be 2 high seiooler and having accidents in highschool in nt = gooe thing terefor mis weex we spent 3 oto time watching him and nying To cetect wnere te anaes Coming trom. we nave como the solution tha the 123 ot ih sche is the root oF his anti, next weak we ae going to work an defsing the situation. “The best par of my week was geting te same student 2s mentioned above out ofthe corner and inte at ina calm manne. Ind to work on talking calmer and persuacing students witha gente goed cop outlook week 8 > ‘Semanca Ernestepostea Fen 29,2016 1034 am Subscribed This past week we once again ran into the accident problem. The substitute teacher who was here in place for a TA instigated about high school. To you and me High School sounds exciting, but to an 8th grade student who has had the same teacher for 3 years, High School is super scary. Within the same day this student ended up having 3 accidents. These accidents were not number one either if you know what | mean... anyways | have been informed that my host teacher is having a family emergency so we will have subs both Monday and Tuesday of next week. ‘As you probably assumed the students in my class dont handle subs well. Journal + ‘Samantha Emamte posted Mor 42016 S44 an # Subscribed “ie wet ise am nterecing weet sy ne ant ly host eaener a au ot tven Monty: haansecsy wren 3 tml emergency Hon however we clon have ‘sub. eecher 20 twa ust ve We azo have ha 3 clationsip emerge between ovo of eur students. T. asked on 2 bowing date or Saturcay and sid yer, This tse ate nas causec MAJOR prooiems or Te nas ye fo make nts the clastcom for Th nour He as na 3 very Nata time geting Yo a. Nave spent 20-409 cach dy trying to get Tm goto at and 10-20 min geting hi to leave art an head bac to class, The nerves of te date have really gotten to him. Thursday T. Drew pletre of nar anc ne was so embarasse about at his face tured Bes ec ana If "Ook hm 45 mint even Step Ing te class fOoM TIS Week | have worked on Getting Tto at and geting him nack into cas. The best pare of my Weak Is every me | succestullygoCT wD afc and wo Class. week 10 Samantha Emeste posted Mar 1, 2016 559 PM. Subscribed This week was a bit less eventful, however the friendship between the love birds in my class has evolved in to a relationship. This litle love fest has been positive thus far. The boy who refused to walk into class and/or behave is now back to almost normal. He now gets distracted by her and if she is doing any sort of labor at all such as cleaning a mess or wiping off her dry erase board he is there to her rescue and does it for her even when he has work to finish. Another problem that has uprised is another 7th grade girl in class is jealous and is now on the hunt for @ “man.” because of this she has played around in the hall on the way to the busses making her and another boy almost miss the bus twice this week. On Thursday a student was sick and it was a drag on the whole day because he brings so much energy to the class. on Tuesday the girl | aid in art cussed the art intern out so that ‘was interesting, other than that we just had alot of subs for teacher assistants. Journal + ‘Samantha Emeste posts Apr 112016951 AM Subscribes “This is the week before spring break so | expected craziness however what i didnt account for was that my kids have routines and the fact the we are about to nat come to school for a week hasn't clicked in thelr heads yet. So, no craziness was seen. however | and all ‘of the other Inters at lakeview have been asked to make an autism awareness bulletin board for april. | am a slightly OCD and like to have thing straight and like to have things match..and the puzzle peices the other intem printed DO NOT fit together. She said, "Oh, Tei work’ and I cant just sit back with a puzale that dosn't fit tagether. all in all fm in the process of coming up with a better idea. Journal» SamantnaEmaste posta apr, 0169785 861 Subscribed “This week was disastrous! Note to zelfstudents with newological ferences ae unruly after long break! Everybody was having acidnts, ty ware acting aut In yar unaecestane ways, neating rang onthe tr sealing msrere ram each sth, eling fora teachers entice and mmicwing cur every nancleanpea sade It as ke 3 cus! eae help at waste stato pring imermurals so we Nad to take al of cur unuly Rds toa vowing lly and pray tat ney tid destroy anytring. That was te werst station we could ink of, what we dat expect was tha het the heed ef ater scel acces nae forgotten ta call ‘he bowing ally nd et em Wow thc 18 Dowles ate on the Way and 10 of chem nave a cisaDity hax May Need Tobe accommadated Tor He lady TaKeS yeling at myost teacher and then aly gave them 3 aes. the time thers enced t+ 30 bt the lacy started shutting ff the lanes at 4x0 then wea to call {he bus company to rush 3 DUS Tote Bowing ally Oecause my XA Teak oUt WRN crange Journal © Somanma Emestepostea Apr 11, 2016 952 4M Subscribes “This week was the card partylll Card parties are for students who have privilege cards because of grades and attendance. all of my, students have a high enough card to participate. We had 3 kids do face paint and dance party. we had 9 kids go to the wil room, which isnt surprising because students with autism struggle with sensory stimulation so a nice quiet room of video games was right vp their ally. we had 2kids play kick ball, and 2 kids play whiffle ball. although my students were wound up all day, they seemed to trav alot of fun interacting with the general education students. Journal ¥ Samantha Emeste poses Apr 11,2016 925 AM Subscribed This week we continued working on the bulletin board for autism awareness month and it is turning out great On the right we have € paper ribbon that we cut out and painted with puzzle pleces with a sign that says "We all fit together like pleces of a puzzle’. on the left we crinkled up paper and made a tree next to the tree It says “Grow Autism Awareness’ and Instead of having leaves on our ‘ree, our students colored puzzle pieces and we are going to staple them to the tree. on anther note, Friday was the school dance so my kids were PUMPED! | heard about sparkly shies and new hair gel for ¢ good 2 hours. Journal ¥ ‘Semantna neste poste Apr 18,2016 11:07 AM Subscribed ‘This week was very boring and uneventful. Hawever, It was spirit week which the kids had fun with. Apparently it was student appreciation week since testing Is next week. My klds got cookles far snack because of It and they were pumped! On friday we had {ray funday and watched jungle book. the kids could help but sing along and wren the bad tiger showed up they all. gasped and called there teachers name to tell them abour the tiger. It was also hat day so we had kids rocking character hats. Journal + Samantha Emestepostad Aor 25,2036 7.57 AM Subscrbec ‘This week was GREAT! | got the appartunity to go ta my Internship In the morning Instead of aftemoon one day. In the afternoons imy kids just go to encore and then | help them with there daily buzz{which is just what they did that day and if it was good or bad). However since it was morning | got to teach a lesson while my host teacher conducted modified map testing. This was a blast! | as very nervous when she told me Iwas in charge but as I started I realized my kids were so into routine that if | messed up they would correct me right away which helped a lot! All in all Itwas a great week and I'm so ready to teach!

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