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am/is/are (afirmacion y negacion) Tim American, Pm from Chicago. y Ze) afimacién negacién Tam (tm | Tam not (I’m not) he (he’s) | | he (he’s not 0 he isn't) | she } is (she’s) | she ] is mot (she’s not 0 she isn’t) it (it’s) | it (it's not 0 itisn’t) we} (we're) we (we're not 0 we aren't) you } are (you're) you | are not (you’renot 0 you aren’t) | they] they they (they're not 0 they aren't) am/is/are son formas del presente del verbo be (= ser/estar) © Pmtired this morning. Estoy cansado/a esta mafana. © P'ma student. My sister isa teacher. Soy estudiante. Mi hermana es profesora. © John isin bed. He's ill. John esta en la cama, Esta enfermo. © My caris very old. Micoche es muy viejo. © Ann and Iare good friends. Ann y yo somos buenas amigas. © You're very busy today. Estés muy ocupado hoy. © Your keys are on the table. ... estén © Pma student. ’'mmnota teacher. Soy... no soy © Jancisn’t at home at the moment. She’s at work... no esta... Esté © My room isn’t very big but it’s nice... noes... es © Those people aren’t English. They're Australian. —... no son ingleses. Son En inglés es necesario usar los pronombres personales sujeto (Whhe/shelit etc): © Ieslate. (no‘Is late.) Es tarde. © Timis in bed. He’s not well... esté... No esta bien, Para decir la hora, se dice It’s ... © It’s one o'clock. /It’s 8.15. / It’s half past ten. Es fauna. / ‘Son las ocho y cuarto. / Son las diez y media. that’s = thatis there’s = there is here’s = here is © Thank you. That’s very kind of you. Gracias. Es muy amable de tuparte. © Look! There’s Chris. Mira! Ahiesté Chris. © ‘Here’s your key.’ “Thank you.’ ‘Aquitiene sullave."‘Gracias.” amslare (oterogacion => rm hungry it’s cold ete. EIIINE] there isfare=> t= m7 pronomtres personales=> EXEEE) a/an => 1 12 13 4 15 16 17 EJERCICIOS Escribe las contracciones (she’s/we aren't etc.) 1 she is she's 2 they are 3 itis not 4 thatis Completa las frases con am, is o are. 5 Lam not 6 you are not 1 The weather .if. nice today. 5 Look! The Carol. 21 not tired. 6 My brother and 1 ~. good tennis players, 3. This bag heavy. 7 Ann at home. Her children 4 These bags heavy. 8 a taxi driver. My sister a nurse, Escribe frases completas usando is/isn't/are/aren’t. 1 (your shoes very dirty) Your. shoes, are, very, dirty., (my brother a policeman) (this house not very old) (the shops not open today) (my keys in my bag) (Jenny a good swimmer) (you not very tall) Nauken Observa las frases de Lisa (Unidad 1A). Escribe frases acerca 1 (name?) My 2 (from?) 1 Escribe frases acerca de los dibujos. Usa: angry happy de ti 5 (father's or mother’s job?) My 6 (favourite colour or colours?) My . . sad strong tall tired Escribe frases verdaderas, afirmativas 0 negativas. Usa: am / am not / is / isn’t / arc / aren’t. 1 (I/a student) .l'm.@. student (o, I'm. nota. student.) 2 (U/ tired) 1 3 Git very late) It 4 (my hands / cold) 5 (Canada / a very big country) 6 (diamonds / cheap) 7 (I/a.good dancer) 8 (Brussels / in France) Traduce al inglés: 1 Mi madre es inglesa 2 Son las 6. 3 La sopa esta frfa 4 Catherine no esta en Londres. Est en Birmingham. 5. Mis padres no son espafioles. Ricardo es alto y delgado. 7 Mi casa es vieja pero es grande y esté en el centro. 8 Mi padre no es profesor, es mecénico. 9 Este vaso no estd limpio. Esta muy sucio. iMira! Aqui esté tu hermana. Es tarde. Helen no esta aqui. Esta trabajando. Aqui tiene su bolsa. Mi hermana no esté muy alegre hoy Esta triste. at school. an7/is/are (interrogacion) EIIIE) I'm hungry /it’s cold etc. > [IIE] (2 nterogacién => EINE] whavwhich/how => [TOT 24 22 23 24 26 EJERCICIOS Elige la respuesta apropiada para cada pregunta. 1 Where's the camera? A London 1G 2 Is your car blue? B No, Pmnot. 2 3 Is Linda from London? © Yes, you are. 3 4 Am La good student? D My sister. 4 5 Where's Ann from? E. Black. s 6 What colour is your bag? |_| F No, it's black. 6 7 Are you tired? G In your bag. 7 8. How is George? H No, she’s American. | 8 9 Who's that woman? [1 Very well. 9 Escribe preguntas con is 0 are usando estas palabras. Pon las palabras en el orden correcto. {at home / your mother?) .{8. your, mother at, home?, (your parents / well?) ..Are, your, parents, well? (interesting / your job?) (the shops / open today?) (from London / you?) (near here / the post office?) (at school / your children?) nm (why / you / sad?) ~ Completa las preguntas usando What ... / Who How. are. ausuns Escribe preguntas apropiadas para las respuestas. 7! (name?) .What's, your name’, (married or single?) (American?) (a teacher?) ~ (wife a lawyer?) ~ (from? (ther name?) Nausene 7 your favourite sport? | the man in this \ cnn YOUF NeW shoes? these oranges: £1.20 a kilo. Skiing. photograph? | | That's my father. Where ... / How They're very well. Ar the end of the street, our pare the bus stop? Black. wa Paul. | | Pm married. No, Pm Australian, No, Pima lawyer. No, she’s a designer. She's Italian, Anna. Escribe respuestas breves afrmativas o negativas (Yes, I am. / No, he isn't. etc.) 1 Are you married? .N0,.{'m. not, 2 Are you at home? 3. Isit Monday today? Traduce al inglés: 1 ¢Estés contenta? 2. Dénde esta Tom? gEsté en casa? 3. ¢Como estan tus padres? 4 ¢Cudnto cnesta este paraguas? 5. *aDe qué color son tus ojos?” ‘Son verdes.” 4 Are your hands cold? 5 Isit dark now? 6 Are you a teacher? ~ 6 eQué hora es? Es tarde? 7 ae qué color son tus guantes? 8 gDe dénde es Susan? 9 *2Es inglesa Mary?” ‘No, es irlandesa.’ (irlandesa = Irish) 10 gEstds contenta? UNIDAD 2 I'm hungry / It’s cold etc. ‘Algunas expresiones con be (amv/is/are) corresponden a formas del espariol con ‘tener': I'm hot/cold (tengo calor/ro) © Pm hot. Can I open the window? Tengo calor. Puedo abrir la ventana? © ‘Are you cold?” ‘No. I'm OK.’ ‘Tienes trio?” ‘No. Estoy bien.’ T'm hungry/thirsty (tengo hambre/sed) © P'mnot hungry. No tengo hambre. © The children are thirsty. Los nos tienen sed. ‘m right (fengo razon) © You're always right. Siempre tienes razon. I'm afraid (tengo miedo) © Why is John afraid of dogs? éPor qué John tiene miedo de los perros? T'm in a hurry (tengo prisa) © Are you in a hurry? Tienes prisa? Para decir la edad se usa amlis/are: © Pm25. 0 I'm25 years old. Tengo 25 afios. © My grandmother is 72. Mi abuela tiene 72 afios. © How old are you? —¢Cudntos afos tienes? Observa también las diferencias siguientes entre el inglés y el espaiiol: I'm interested in ... (Me interesa ...) ‘* I’m interested in politics. ‘Me interesa la poltica. © Jenny isn’t very interested in music. ‘A Jenny no leinteresa la misc. © Are you interested in philosophy? Te interesa la flosofia? rm late (lego tarde) © Sorry I'm late. Siento llegar tarde. © Why are you late? ¢Por qué llegas tarde? he’s/she’s/they’re asleep (duerme/esté durmiendo) ‘Joe is in bed. He’s asleep. ++» Duerme. / Esté durmiendo. Are the children asleep? <éDuermen / Estén durmiendo los nifios? it’s hou/cold/sunny/a nice day (hace calor/rio/sol/ouen aa) © It’s sunny but it isn’t very hot. Hace sol pero no hace mucho calor. * [sit cold in your room? dace tio ..? amis/are— [IEEE It’s hov/cold/sunny etc. => [TET 33 EJERCICIOS Escribe frases acerca de los dibujos. Usa: afraid asleep. het hungry imahurry thirsty Completa las frases. 1 ‘Ate.wol. cold?” ‘No, I'm OK." 2. ‘How old is your grandmother?" «She's. 72.” 3 ‘In Greece, hot in August?” “Yes, very hot.” 4 George’s favourite sport is foo:ball. very interested in it $ ‘Sorry late ‘That's OK.” 6 How old is Amanda? 21 or 227 7 “Are the children in bed?” “Yes, asleep.’ 8 interested in art?” “Yes, Tam. Very much.” 9 cold. Where’s my sweater? 10 It's 9.30 and Joseph isn’t here! Why always late? 1 a nice day today. warm and sunny. Escribe frases sobre ti mismo, afirmativas 0 negativas, 1 (interested in politics) ..'m. interested. (0, I'm. not, interested), in, politics, 2 (hungry) I 3 (ina hurry) 4 (afraid of dogs) 5 6 8 (cold) (interested in films) (thirsty) (.. years old) Traduce al inglés: 1 {Tenéis frio? 10 gHace mucho frio en Islandia? (Islandia = Iceland) 2 Tengo mucho calor. Puedes abrir la 11 Te interesa el fiitbol? puerta? 12 *gDénde est Ana?” ‘Duerme.” 3 Carmen tiene 16 afos. 13. Por qué llegan tarde? 4 No me interesa el tenis. (el tenis = tennis) 14. Nos interesa la ciencia-ficci6n. (ciencia-ficcién = 5. No hace sol hoy pero hace calor. science-fiction) 6 José esta cansado y tiene hambre. 15 No corras. No tenemos prisa, 7 Hace mucho calor en mi casa. 16 Tienes razén. Hace mucho calor en esta habitacién, 8 No tengo miedo de las arafias, (las 17 Son gemelos y tienen 19 aitos. (gemelos = twins) spiders) 18 Bruce tiene miedo de los insectos. (los insectos = es hambre?” ‘No, pera tengo sed.’ insects) UNIDAD

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