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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN
Name: Ayse Suslu

Date: 2/27/16

Instructional Project 3
This is a research assignment. Use your textbook, web articles, and NAU library
to conduct research when writing this paper.
Use APA style references and in-text- citations. You need to use at least 3
different resources besides Castronova (2002), and Moore (2015).
Download and read the following article:
Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century:
What is it and how does it compare to traditional learning in
effectiveness in the 21st century. Action Research Exchange, 1(1), 112. Retrived from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?

After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer

to the following questions.

What is discovery learning?

Discovery learning is a learning strategy model that is entirely student-centered.
The focus of discovery learning is on active learning where students work at their
own pace to complete activities that challenge and stimulate the three main
attributes of discovery learning (Bicknell-Holmes & Hoffman 2000.) These three
attributes are as follows: 1) active problem-solving that allows students to explore,
create, integrate and generalize knowledge 2) students work on activities that are
driven and paced by them, and based on their interests 3) these activities push
students to integrate their newly discovered knowledge with their existing
knowledge base. These attributes allow students to take control of their education
and enabled high student motivation, participation and education.
How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered
This form of instruction compares to traditional teacher-centered models in that
the approach is entirely student based and focuses not on direct and passive
instruction but activities that allow a student to become active participants in their
own education, thus ensuring the instruction is lasting and positively affects the
students life outside of school as described in Moore (2015.) A major difference
between the two is timing, direct instruction does not require a large timeframe to
complete, as the information is presented without fanfare to students while
discovery learning requires that all students work at their own pace to discover the
knowledge, making the time frame for this instruction uncertain and unreliable.
What educational theories support the discovery learning model?
Discovery learning is considered a constructivist theory thus constructivist
education theories such as those of Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner support the
model as explained in Heather Coffeys article (2015.)
What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
Discovery learning is quintessential for the best possible instruction for all
students. Despite time restraints, discovery learning should be attempted in every
classroom as often as possible. Active learning is the best way for knowledge to
sink in to a students understanding. Discovery Learning stimulates active
learning and thus is best for students. As a future teacher, I want to educate my
students to the best of my ability, thus I must incorporate discovery learning
activities into my day-to-day instruction.

How can you apply this method to your future classroom?

I plan to incorporate discovery learning in my future classroom by organizing
semester projects that focus on active, discovery based learning at their core. I
will be teaching English literature classes so my project will rely on a major
portfolio of specified work (poetry, short stories, romanticism, realism, etc) where
students are given free reign of their work and their pacing. At the end there will
be a assessment to ensure all students fully understood the material. However
these projects all allow students to actively use information learned in class to
construct their own works and perfect them until the end of the semester due

Select one of the following chapters to conduct research: Chapter 2,

3, 5 or 12. Review the chapter and respond to related questions for
that chapter by conducting your own research.

Chapter 2- Teaching Diverse Students

1. Teaching all students. Remember that a teachers job is to teach all students
and assume an attitude that all students can learn. Research techniques and
strategies that can be used to accomplish this task. Sources of information
include the library, the Internet, current journals, and recent books.
Teaching diverse students can be a daunting task. Embracing the diversity is key
so students don't feel outcasted and demotivated to learn. Part of this lies in
teacher expectations, teachers respond to those students they expect to do well,
thus a teacher must expect the best from all students in order to motivate all of
them to do well. As for students will special needs, a individual education plan
must be created for each student that has differentiated instruction in order to
properly educate every student as per Moore (2015.) Assistive Technology and
have a multiculturally sensitive communication patterns are other ways to help
educate diverse learners, as you'll be catering to their needs. Organizing semifrequent meetings with parents of diverse students in order to get feedback and
brainstorm other ways to help students.
2. Intelligence profile. Evaluate your own intelligence profile according to
Gardner. In what frames of mind (intelligence areas) do you come out strongest?
My strengths in intelligence areas lie in Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Linguistic
areas respectively from the strongest to weakest. My top intelligence area is
intrapersonal, as it represents a strong connection with ones interests, intuition
and will. The interpersonal frame of mind is the next strongest in me as it focuses
on interactions with others, understanding others and have specific talents in
communication and other social interactions. My least strong intelligence area is
linguistic which focuses on language and shows in most auditory learners.


Cite at least 5 References in APA.

You need to use at least 3 different resources besides Castronova

(2002), and Moore (2015).

You may use http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-journal for

citing your sources in APA style.

3 Ways to Plan for Diverse Learners: What Teachers Do. (2014). Retrieved March
01, 2016, from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/differentiated-instruction-ways-toplan-john-mccarthy
Castronova, J. (2001). Discovery learning for the 21st century an action research
Coffey, H. Discovery learning. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2016, from
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2016, from
Moore, K. D. (2005). Effective instructional strategies: From theory to practice.
Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Multiple Intelligences: Digging Deeper. (2009). Retrieved February 28, 2016, from
Theories of Learning in Educational Psychology. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28,
2016, from http://www.lifecirclesinc.com/Learningtheories/constructivism/bruner.html

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