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Digestive System Exam Corrections

Due: 04/15/2016
You are being given the opportunity to earn back UP TO 75% of the
points you missed on the digestive system exam by correcting your
exam. This is not an opportunity to point grab but to show that you
have dedicated time and effort to mastering the material.
You will be submitting your test corrections in the following format.
Word Processed
12 pt Times New Roman font
To correct multiple choice questions:

You must state which answer choice is correct and explain why.
You must state why the other answer choices are incorrect and

To correct true/false questions:

Explain why the question is true or false. A great way to do this is

to give an example or counterexample to the claim.

To correct matching questions:

Explain why you know this is the correct match.

To correct essays:

You must completely rewrite the essay. You will also submit a
paragraph explaining why you did not receive credit for the
essay and correct any misinformation.

With your corrections, please submit all of the requirements on the

Request to Retest page.

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