Reflective Letter (Rough Draft)

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(2ape quite @ few changes to my final remediation, Some of the sentences I created were difffcult to understand, so I went back and rewrote many of the sentences and made sure thet [had all of my incite citation6. Fade sure that I provided examples for the topies that I was writing about in each paragraph. (fecends mectiotoy deinen aide wile discussing, I ied more retrial devices in my final remediatga tap added first person point of view into my essay so that my audience could relate and that they could see the project from my point of view. Hear at ‘my peers and I all have a unique writing styles. Reading each paper was enjoyable because I got to see how they incorporated different genres in their project and what questions they decided to choose and the approached they took with the euestiGHeamal be the reader and not the editor when reading a peer’s reYiew. I also learned that peer reviews can be helpful and that it is good to have people that same age as me provide me with feedback. ‘This was overall an enjoyable process, and I am grateful that I got to further my knowledge through leaming about the past, present, and future of higher education and how it has shaped society. This has helped me to grow as a writer and it has helped me to better analyze sources. Thank you Professor Ropko for this opportunity and for helping each and every one of us grow and to expand our minds to think outside the box e208 asst x eore™ wes ede

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