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Rogers 1 Sydnie Rogers UWRT -1102-40 Professor Ropko 19 April 2016 College: The American Dream? How would it feel knowing that your aspiration to go to college was merely a dream? ‘That the idea of becoming the next brain surgeon would never happen because your family was quent unable to afford the cost of college. College. A household word. College is imperative to those not only graduating from high school and looking to attend an institution of higher learning, but for those who want to gain a degree in some type of higher education, As exciting as college sounds, there are a lot of factors that come into play when attending college. Some of these factors include: cost, location, the admission process, and the acceptance rate. As the number of students going to college has increased drastically, the demand has increased as well. A degree, which once had more value, has now become the norm, and most employers want their workers to have a degree beyond just their Bachelors. This has brought the attention to the question whether or not college is an equal opportunity for everyone, or if its geared toward only a certain group of people? The cost of college comes up often in a conversation when discussing higher education. As college has become more popular, the demand to build and expand has increased as well. College was once looked at from a privilege point of view and it was a place that not everyone had access to. It was only open to rich, wealthy young men. Because the cost of college has

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