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Parallel lines: Some

parallel lines are the
orange parts inside
the larger parts.
Angles: There are
different angles such
as right and acute.
Parallel lines: The
pink tracks are
parallel to each
other so they have
support. The blue
polls are parallel
together,so they hold
the pink parts
Angles: There are
many different
angles because
some of the pink
parts are right
Triangles: There
are right triangles
and isosceles
Similar figure:
Most of the pink
parts are similar

Triangles: There are

right triangles and
isosceles triangles.
Similar figure: Most
of the orange track is
similar to the next.

Parallel lines: The

red bars are parallel
to the next red bar.
Angles: There are
right angles on the
red track.
Triangles: There are
right triangles on the
red track.
Similar figures: The
red squares are the
same on the next
red .

By: Ani Goni

3.Translation is a term used in geometry to describe a function that moves an object a

certain distance. The object is not altered in any other way. Silver bullet is a ride that is a
good example of this because of the way that the ride is made it was it had a smaller
model befor the original was made so they would know what to do and how it would
have to be created. The Texas giant roller had to be changed because of the line each
seat to that ride was a one seater so their lines would be huge.

4.A trusses is used for a ride that has water in it so that the people don't get wet during the ride
or when you want the ride to be upside down you have to have the ride have support so it can
go upside down.

5.Potential energy and Kinetic energy is the energy that happens when the ride is all the way at
the top of the roller coaster and goes zooming down the hill of the ride that is what the potential
energy is and when the ride starts to slow down the Kinetic energy is what keeps it going at its
normal speed of acceleration if kinetic energy wasn't used all of the rides would start going slow
after going down hill.

6. Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park, Japan

This is a 4th dimension coaster which basically means your seat spins forward and
back while you loop and flip-flop through the air, your legs dangling below you. The
park promises: This will send a strange sense of being hurtled through the air coursing
through your body. Which basically means youll want to throw up.
7. History of Roller Coaster

The history of the roller coaster stretches back to ice slides constructed in 18th century
Russia and spans all the way to the many and varied coasters of today. In between,
numerous technological innovations have been introduced to make coasters bigger,
faster, and safer than those that came before.
Roller coaster changed over time because people want faster and bigger but safer

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