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March 23, 2016 pos To whom it may concern, Ks Hello, Tam a mother to two beautiful children who are 17 and 19 years of age. My oldest child is currently a freshman in college and my youngest is a senior in high school, who just began applying to college. Iam writing this letter because I have seen how competitive the college admissions process has become over the past 20 years. My child, for example, had to take the SAT three times and the ACT twice to get the scores that she felt would get her into the colleges she is applying to. She also seems to be really stressed out about this, There are nights where she would skip dinner and stay up late to study for one of the standardized test she would be taking the next day. I was extremely worried about my child, but I realized that I am not the only parent going through this, especially those who are applying to college and universities with a very low acceptance rate’ Oi top of that: I received an email the other day informing me that my childs college tuition would be increasing again. How am I going to pay for two children in college if tuition is constantly increasing? I was blessed that my husband and I had saved up enough money so that we were able to pay out of pocket for this year, but next year, we will not be so fortunate. My oldest child applied for scholarships and was the recipient of a few, but the cost of college is so expensive. He also filled out his FAFSA on time, and was only awarded subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Although my husband and I make a decent amount of money, we still will not be able to pay out of pocket for two children to attend college for four years. I want my children to recejye the best education possible, but I don’t want our family to be in debt for the rest of our ive ith’ the 62 of college rising almost every year, it discourages so many students and forces them to choose different routes than attending a four year university. I feel that college is beginning to become unequal for those who want to attend. With the cost constantly increasing it makes it hard for people such as I who are a part of the middle class 10 afford it. It creates such a dilemma because a college degree is needed for almost every job and for the most part, jobs want you to have a degree higher than your bachelor’s degree. I just want every child to be provided with an equal opportunity in higher education. If things like constantly occur, it will increase the gap between the rich and the poor People comie' tS the United States for an equal opportunity, but in reality that’s not always the case. I just want for Tawmakers to consider some of the issues middle class families go through when you have ‘multiple kids in college. I'm not saying to make college completely free, but make it reasonable for families so that people won't be in debt for the rest of their lives. I love my children, and I willing to do anything for them, I just feel that these issues need to be brought to someone's attention, We need equality in higher education. 7 Sincerely, A Concerned Mother

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