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A Penniless

Allison M. and Elizabeth C.
Bethany Smith
Block 2


What is Poverty?

Fundamental material needs and comforts not available

Lack stable income

Causes of Poverty in Africa

Severe conditions
Limited international assistance
Corrupt and imbalanced governments
All result in continental instability

Conditions of Poverty

Mainly in rural areas

Limited community involvement
Locals without tribal or
governmental power

Foreign Aid and Investments

Takes global effort to bring Africa out of

Foreign aid steady, but investments not
being made within continent
Financial instability as a result


Administrative dishonesty and lack of funds

Steadily expanding economic gap
Governments cannot support rural communities
Limited investments

Works Cited

African Children. 2015. Congo in the Picture, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Africa News. 2014. This Is Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone.
Barnhill, John H., PhD. "Poverty In Africa." Salem Press Encyclopedia (2014): Topic Overviews 6-12. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
Five African Investment Hotspots. GPS-Connects, African Map.
Kenyan Slum. Our Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
Obadina, Tunde. Poverty and Economic Issues. Philadelphia: Mason Crest, 2014. Web.
Poverty. Pinterest.
Poverty: Think About It. 2015. KSS Censor This. KSS Censor This. Web. <>.
"Progress on Poverty, but 1.2 Billion Still Live On the Extremes." America 28 Oct. 2013: 8+. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar.
Reasonable Goals. 2015. Institute for Security Studies, Nairobi, Kenya.
Romaine, Suzanne. "Of Speech and Species: Saving Languages is Good for the Environment and for Tackling Poverty."
New Internationalist June 2014: 25+. Student Edition. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
"Rural Poverty in Africa." Rural Poverty Portal. IFAD, 8 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Jan.

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