The People Vs Sameh Laham - Prosecution

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The People vs Sameh Laham


Prosecutors Zeb Corbett, Elizabeth Carrigan, Victoria Pinney, Amy

Macleod, and Isabel Jordan

26/27/28 April 2016

Before Chief Judge Bethany Smith

Prosecution Team Members:

Zeb Corbett
All I do is win win win
no matter what

Elizabeth Carrigan
Aspiring medical doctor

Victoria Pinney
Science, math, and animals

Amy Macleod
A first grade teacher in the making

Isabel Jordan

Table of Contents
Opening Statement

Pg 5

Ilse Wanninger

Pg 6

Dan Oron

Pg 8

Baruch Ben Tov

Pg 10

Lidia Adler

Pg 12

Clive Burleigh

Pg 14

Dr. Ibrahim Stitti

Pg 16

Dov Agmon

Pg 18

Police Officer

Pg 20

Vera Brodsky

Pg 22

Table of Contents
Thomas Wanninger

Pg 24

Omar Joulani

Pg 26

The Boss

Pg 27

Amal Laham

Pg 28

Sameh Laham

Pg 29


Pg 30

Closing Statement

Pg 32

Works Cited

Pg 33

Opening Statement
Written by: Zeb Corbett

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I stand before you today on behalf of the victims of the bus explosion
that occurred outside Jerusalem on April 9th. Sons and daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters critically
injured and brutally murdered in the attack, and members of the Israeli military who so honorably fight terrorists like
Sameh Laham on a daily basis, come home only to face such extremists on their own streets. The attack was not
only one of religious hatred and extreme anti-Semitism, but was an assault by a senseless boy who believed the
murder of innocent men, women, and children would further promote himself among his peers and his superiors.
I ask, ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, that when you look upon this man today, you see no boy--no sixteen
year old boy--but rather a monster who was able and extremely willing to take the lives of so many. I ask, too, that
you look at the families of the victims and the faces of those who have survived and tell me whether or not the
actions of this man warrant spending the rest of his life in a prison cell for first degree murder. Death would only
be mercy on a man who deserves no such thing.

Ilse Wanninger
Portrayed by: Jorja Calabro
Place of Origin: Germany
Relationship to Defendant: Her son was a victim of the attack.

Husband died of cancer
Son goes to Israel
Emotionally weak for the death of

Goal for the witness: To inform the jury and judge of her love for her son and how he was there to help.

Ilse Wanninger
1) Your son is Thomas Wanninger correct?
2) After your husband died, was it Thomas who cared for you emotionally?
3) Why was Thomas in Israel?
4) Do you love your son?

Dan Oron
Portrayed by: Billy Winowitz
Place of Origin: Israel
Relationship to Defendant: Went on raid against Sameh

Veras boyfriend (loves her very much)
Member of the Israeli military
Member of raid against Palestinian insurgents

Goal for the witness: Dan will provide insight on the raid and who it was against. He will also tell the jury his
relationship with Vera and how feels about her.

Dan Oron
1) What is your relationship with the victim, Vera Brodsky? (Kass 22)
2) What are your feelings towards Vera? Do you care about her? (Kass 44)
3) Where were you on the morning of April 9th? (Kass 60)
4) What was the first thing you did when you learned of the bombing?

Baruch Ben Tov

Portrayed by: Justin Williams
Place of Origin: Israel
Relationship to Defendant: Sameh Laham, an attempted suicide-bomber, severely injured Vera Brodsky, a volunteer at
the kibbutz, in the attack on the Number 9 bus. Baruch and Vera have an almost familial relationship; Baruch
considers Vera his princess and granddaughter.

Holocaust survivor
Lives on a farm in Israel
Has a personal relationship with his volunteers

Goal for the witness: To convey his personal feelings towards Vera and Thomas, describing how the bombing directly
impacted the volunteers and indirectly impacted Baruch.

Baruch Ben Tov

1) The bus bombing by Sameh Laham of Palestine injured two of your volunteers, correct? (Kass 81, 83)
a) What were the name of the injured volunteers? (Kass 81, 83)
2) Describe your association with the victims of the attack, Thomas Wanninger and Vera Brodsky. (Kass 10, 56)
3) How does it feel to have Vera Brodsky, who you consider your granddaughter, involved in such a catastrophic
incident? (Kass
4) It has been noted that you survived the Holocaust and the ever-so-famous Auschwitz Concentration Camp. In
living through nightmarish experiences and conditions, how does it feel to know that victims of this senseless
attack will have to suffer as well?

Lidia Adler
Portrayed by: Tyteyana Hazzard
Place of Origin: Argentina
Relationship to Defendant: Lidias best friend, Verusha Brodsky, was critically injured in the Number 9 bus bombing,
allegedly by Sameh Laham.

Good friends with Vera Brodsky
Photographer - takes pictures of flowers, people, etc at the kibbutz and at the hospital
Has an anarchist father who lives in Venezuela

Goal for the witness: To communicate to the jury how Veras life and their friendship will be forever altered.

Lidia Adler
1) How long have you been associated with one of the many victims of the Number 9 bus bombing, Verushka
Brodsky? (Kass 13)
2) Describe the relationship between Ms. Brodsky and yourself. (Kass 13, 15)
3) It is known that photography is one of your preferred hobbies. Explain your method and reasoning behind taking
photos of Vera while she was admitted at Hadarim Hospital. (Kass 132)
4) What are your opinions on the attempted suicide-bombing attack allegedly committed by Sameh Laham?
5) How do you feel about young extremists, like Sameh Laham, becoming shaheeds and resorting to violent, brutal
methods to get to Paradise?

Clive Burleigh
Portrayed by: Matthew Martinez
Place of Origin: Britain
Relationship to Defendant: Reports on the bombing and the families of Sameh and Omar

WNS Middle East Correspondent
Reports on both Sameh and Omars family after the bombing
Does not speak Hebrew

Goal for the witness: To admit to the jury that Sameh fits the profile for a typical suicide bomber and that Sameh
was acting on his own accord, guided by Allah.

Clive Burleigh
1) Can you tell us about when you first arrived at the scene?
2) How long have you been a reporter reporting on this type of incident?
3) Tell us what the family and the village of Sameh was like after the bomb went off.
4) Can you contrast that with the scene and the emotions at the hospital?
5) How did the village find out about Sameh?
6) Tell us what the family and the village of Omar was like after the bomb went off.
7) Did anyone give any indication as to why this violence is taking place?
8) Can you tell the Jury what a typical suicide bomber in Israel might look like/be?

Dr. Ibrahim Stitti

Portrayed by: Rebecca Harbin
Place of Origin: Palestine
Relationship to Defendant: Treats patients that were injured in the bombing

Lives in Palestine
ICU doctor in Israel
Big family man, sad with what has happened

Goal for the witness: To support the information that is found on the injuries of the wounded and to show that there
are more ways to support your family as a Palestinian other than suicide bombing for Allah.

Dr. Ibrahim Stitti

1) You are Palestinian correct? Yet, you have never thought of being a suicide bomber, you support your country
by saving lives, is this correct? (Kass 140).
2) You treated Thomas Wanninger on his injuries after the bus explosion? (Kass 144).
3) How severe were they? Could he have lost his life? (Kass 84).
4) Can you elaborate on the long term effects of this accident, both mentally and physically for Thomas? (Kass

Dov Agmon
Portrayed by: Justin Stephenson
Place of Origin: Israel
Relationship to Defendant: Allowed Sameh to get on the bus, which eventually led to the death and destruction of
civilians and the bus.

Was involved in a bus bombing in 1995 where he was the driver
Has been driving buses for 15 years
Was replacement driver on Sunday, April 9

Goal for the witness: To demonstrate that Sameh is a suspicious person and fits the profile of a typical suicide
bomber. Additionally, to prove that Sameh had intentions to bomb the bus.

Dov Agmon
1) State your full name for the jury.
2) What bus did you drive?
3) How do you know the defendant?
4) Where were you the day of the explosion?
5) What was your first impression of the defendant? How was he acting? What did he look like?
6) How old did you think Sameh was?
7) Were you injured during the explosion?
8) Isnt this the second time youve been injured in a bus attack?
9) You say he looked suspicious, yet you didnt think to check his backpack?
10) How long have you been driving buses?
11) Was he a regular rider?
12) How many people were on the bus that day?
13) Was he the last person on the bus?
14) Please identify the accused bomber during the attack on the Number 9 Bus. If they are in this room, point to

Police Officer
Portrayed by: Shane Wenzel
Place of Origin: Israel
Relationship to Defendant: Questions both Omar and Sameh regarding their involvement with each other and in the
suicide bombing

An intimidating man
Tries to put words into Omar and Samehs mouths
Accuses Omar and Sameh of making bombs

Goal for the witness: To prove that public officials believe Sameh is guilty.

Police Officer
1) Were you in charge of questioning Sameh after the explosion?
2) Did Sameh have intentions of blowing up the bus?
3) Why did you question Omar so much about Sameh?
4) Describe the information Sameh told you while he was in the hospital.
5) What kind of person did you think Sameh was?
6) Did you think the attack was premeditated?
7) Did you suspect Sameh being involved in other criminal activities?
8) Why did you not hold Omar longer when questioning him?

Vera Brodsky
Portrayed by: Kristin Cates
Place of Origin: Odessa, Russia
Relationship to Defendant: On bus 9, in the defendants presence, before the explosion.

Her former boyfriend, Sergei, committed suicide
Currently is in a relationship with Dan Oron
Picked Thomas up from the airport, was on the bus with Thomas during the bombing

Goal for the witness: To show the effects of the bombing on Vera. Also, Vera saw Sameh on the bus and was
present for the attack.

Vera Brodsky
1) Tell me where you were at the time of the bombing.
2) Describe where on the bus you were sitting.
3) Would you say your seat provided you good visibility to passengers getting on and off the bus?
4) Do you remember seeing a young boy board the bus?
5) Describe him to me.
6) Was he carrying anything?
7) Just before the explosion, did anything unusual happen?
8) Vera, how long have you lived in Israel?
9) Tell us the first things you remember after the explosion.
10) Can you tell the Jury what a typical suicide bomber in Israel might look like/be?
11) Please identify the accused bomber during the attack on the Number 9 Bus. If they are in this room, point to

Thomas Wanninger
Portrayed by: Jakob Stults
Place of Origin: Germany
Relationship to Defendant: Victim of bus explosion allegedly caused by Sameh Laham

First time in Israel
Came to work at the kibbutz under the guidance of Baruch Ben Tov
Slowly coming out of coma caused by explosion

Goal for the witness: To prove that Thomas will be forever impacted for the rest of his life as a result of the
explosion caused by Sameh, both physically and mentally.

Thomas Wanninger
1) This was your first time in Israel, correct? (Kass 3).
2) Why did you come to Israel? (Kass 6).
3) What was going through your mind after the bus exploded? (Kass 81).
4) How would you describe the way you felt after coming out of the coma? (Kass 148).
5) Can you honestly say that you will be unafraid ever again? (Kass 149).
6) Do you believe that the defendant, Sameh Laham, is to blame for this?
7) So you believe that without Sameh being on the bus, the bomb would not have been able to detonate and
you would not be injured?

Omar Joulani
Portrayed by: Luis Salazar
Place of Origin: Palestine
Relationship to Defendant: Helped Sameh get a job making bombs and inspired him to become a shaheed

Goes to the same high school as Sameh
Best soccer player in his class

Goal for the witness: To show that Omar is an accessory to the Number 9 bus bombing and that he could be lying
for his friend.

The Boss
Portrayed by: Megan Lynch
Place of Origin: Israel
Relationship to Defendant: Provided Sameh Laham with an illegal job working at Yonis Diner.

Has a son in the military
Lets Sameh work illegally at the Diner washing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, etc
Cares for and trusts Sameh

Goal for the witness: To prove that Sameh destroyed The Bosss diner, while being disloyal to the Boss.

Amal Laham
Portrayed by: Ingrid Arevalo
Place of Origin: Palestine
Relationship to Defendant: The mother of Sameh Laham

Has pain in her legs that never seems to go away
Is deeply upset over Samehs attacks
Has children, one of the boys is ill

Goal for the witness: To determine that her son, Sameh is, in fact, guilty of first-degree murder.

Sameh Laham
Portrayed by: Bradley Brandt
Place of Origin: Palestine

Illegally works at Yonis Diner
Friend and classmate of Omar
Miraculously survived suicide bombing

Goal for the witness: To prove that Sameh is guilty of premeditated murder in the first degree.

Exhibit A
Description of artifact: Exhibit A depicts a
catastrophic bus bombing, similar to the
one caused by Sameh Laham. The bus is
visibly burnt and emergency workers are
scouring the ground for remnants of human
flesh, bus pieces, bomb particles, and more.
What it proves: This proves that the
Number 9 bus bombing was powerful and
obliterated everything in its wake.
Why it matters: This matters because the
bus doesnt look like it would have any
survivors. Miraculously, some of the
patrons on the bus made it out alive.

Exhibit B
Description of artifact: Exhibit B is an
example of a fake news article, just like
the one in Real Time regarding a Surprise
Arrest on page 128.. Martians have not
actually invaded earth, just like Samehs
arrest was not a surprise.
What it proves: This proves that the media
is not truly reliable in all aspects of the
news. Like tabloids, reporters publish false,
or fabrications, of stories.
Why it matters: This matters because the
media did not truly investigate the
bombing. They only published what they
knew at the time, which contained
falsifications of the truth.

Closing Statement
Written by: Amy Macleod
Judge Smith, my colleagues, ladies of the jury, good-morning. The events that were set in motion only a short time ago
are drawing to a close. On April 9th a crime of ghastly proportions was committed. On that day, a backpack filled with
explosives was detonated on a busy commuter bus. The backpack exploded, the bus shredded like thin paper, and suddenly
many lives were ended while many, many more were forever altered.
Who could do such a thing? It is a question that began to ripple across the country of Israel and finally has come to
rest right here in this courtroom. It has fallen to you, as members of this jury, to answer that question. Based on the evidence
and based on what youve heard, the answer is clear. Sameh Laham committed this horrific attackhe is responsible for the
murders of those who died.
Youve heard how he admitted to carrying the bomb onto the bus. Youve heard from testimony and from Omars
video why he was intent on killing all those innocent people. You are aware of all the desperate measures he would execute
to protect his family, and youve heard from eyewitnesses and confessions that Sameh was on the Number 9 bus. This
wasnt a rash decision nor a crime of passion - this was a cold, calculated, and premeditated decision made during a
number of meetings.
The innocent civilians who lost their lives that afternoon were not adversaries or combatants in a war with Sameh
Laham. They were mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters, Jews, and Arabs. There are many effective ways to resolve a
political grievance, but Sameh Laham chose his own method--the willful slaughter of innocent victims.
For myself and each member of this prosecution team it has been our pleasure to represent the many victims in this
catastrophe. It is now up to you, based on everything you have heard, to render judgement. On behalf of the many victims in
this crime I ask that you return a verdict of guilty as charged for murder in the first degree against Sameh Laham. Thank you.

Works Cited

Bus Explosion. 2016. Fox News, Ankara. Fox News: Turkey Strikes Kurdish Rebels. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http:
"Martians Invade Earth." Fodey. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <
Kass, Pnina Moed. Real Time. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. Print.

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