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Jessica P. Schweiss
Christia Gugel
CP English III
6 February 2015
Different Ways of Learning in the Classroom
Active learning helps students create a better understanding of the subject, making a
greater connection to the instructor than passive learning which has students write notes and
listen to lectures. There is a greater demand in the academic community for instructors to provide
an efficient classroom experience. To reach this objective, instructors are sought to create new
teaching methods (Active vs. Passive Workplace Learning). Passive and active teaching are two
common styles used in classrooms. Although each style is presenting the same material, the way
being presented differs. Some teachers may lecture throughout the class time, whereas others
may do labs/activities. Depending on the individual, different styles may be more effective to
them. There is a variety of personalities among teachers; this variety determines the differences
of styles used. Similar to students, personality primarily determines the style of learning they
Teacher personalities influence the styles used in his/her classroom. Throughout every
individuals educational career, each are taught by a variety of teachers using different methods.
Some instructors have an outgoing, socially confident personality using mainly an active
teaching style. Active teachers are very involved with their students. They focus more with hands
on activities, allowing the students to be involved. On average, teachers using active style to
instruct receive the highest test scores. This type of learning requires the students to be in charge
of their own learning (Active vs. Passive Workplace Learning). The student choose to involve

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themselves in classroom activities. On the other hand, teachers may have more of a calm, lowkey personality. Teachers with this personality show more of a passive teaching style. Often,
classwork usually includes tons of notes. This teaching style is recorded to be less effective
because students are not being involved as much (Active vs. Passive Workplace Learning).
In addition to personalities, the energy of teachers may fluctuate in energy levels. Active
teachers are more known to have vibrant energy. These teachers will raise their voice to keep
attention with their students. However, some passive teachers may have very outrageous
personalities allowing them to use strong lectures. Active teachers normally are full of energy
and become more involved with the students. Passive teachers are more neutral. They lack the
burst of energy, using lectures and notes to provide material.
Throughout a school district, a variety of learning methods can be seen by a variety of
students with different personalities. Many stress over tests using different study skills to
prepare. Some students may use both active and passive learning; they chose the best method
depending on the subject and material. Active students tend to do more hands on activities, such
as projects. They often make mnemonic devices to help remember certain material. Passive
learners are more out to write notes during lectures and study the notes for a test. Individuals
who are strict and intelligent are more likely to be passive learners (Active vs. Passive Workplace
Learning). The reason being, they spend more time studying notes and reading information.
Students who are more primary in learning are usually more vibrant and immediate. Sometimes,
teachers can determine the type of learning a student prefers based on their personality.
As well as personality, energy of students determines the style of learning they enjoy the
best. Students may have bursting energy; they will be very involved with classroom discussions.
These types of students are active learnings. People who prefer passively learning are more laid

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back in class. Usually, students will be taking notes and quiet throughout the hour. These
students have very low energy compared to active learners.
Learning styles can have a huge impact on test scores and grades. Active learners are
reported to have higher test scores than passive learners. The reason for this would be active
learners usually understand the subject and material better. Because they are hands on, they
experience the concept and retain the information better. Passive learners are more flustered with
information they are given. They use their notes to study every night. Instead of projects, passive
students write papers.
Comparatively, active and passive are both great learning styles used in a variety of ways.
Both styles are very different. However, both are used by teachers throughout several educational
buildings. There are benefits of each style. The benefits of active learning include being involved
with the material and gaining the information in a more efficient way. Some benefits of passive
learning include being independent and having control over ones grade. There are a variety of
teachers who use one or the other, or even both. Instructors who combine both learning styles
will use a certain style depending on the lesson they are teaching.
Active learning is an effective way for students to create a clear concept of the material.
In some schools, administrators search for teachers who provide an active classroom experience
for the students (Active vs. Passive Workplace Learning). Instructors who are active teachers
usually have greater energy to help keep the students engaged in class. Of course, depending on
the individual, one style may be greater than another. Personalities of the individual often affects
what learning style they prefer. Personally, active learning is an excellent way to understand the
full concept.

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Works Cited
Freeman, Elizabeth. "Active vs. Passive Workplace Learning." Chron. Hearst Newspaper, 1 Jan.
2015. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.

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