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The Young Life of Physicist Michael Faraday

Amelia Solis
Salt Lake Community College

Physics 1010
M. Weiss
April 17th 2016



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How does a poor uneducated boy become a famous physicist? The
young Michael Faraday was an inspiring scientist because despite his humble
upbringing he observed, worked hard, followed the scientific methods, and
stayed dedicated to his ethics and beliefs. Coming from very little, Faraday
and his family had it rough. Michael had to educate himself somehow, and so
very early on he started being observant. In addition to observing, he
realized that he needed to work hard at learning in order to really make
something of himself. Science really seemed to suit Faraday, because he
naturally had an inquisitive mind and learned to follow the scientific method.
Perhaps one of the most remarkable things about Michael was his
commitment to his family and beliefs. All these things worked together in
shaping young Faraday into the, Father of Electronics.

Michael Faradays younger years are fascinating because they shaped
the unique physicist of achievement he became. Michael was born on
September 22, 1791 to Margaret and James Faraday in Newington Butts,
England. His father was a poor and constantly ill journeyman blacksmith who
tried to raise his children with an industrious nature and a love of God. They
were Sandemanians; Christian break-offs of the Church of England who didnt
believe in state churches (Ludwig Pg. 50.) Michaels mother was a humble
and faithful woman, always teaching her kids to trust that God would provide
for them. As a boy, Michael had trouble saying his Rs. His teacher as


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punishment was going to beat him into talking right. She gave Faradays
brother a shilling to purchase something to beat Michael with, and his
brother instead brought their mother. Outraged, Michaels mother pulled him
out of school on the spot. This was good since he was also being bullied for
his poverty worn clothes, but it also made Michael worry about his future.
Without any education or money, a boy his age couldnt get a job or
apprenticeship to help support his family, and would probably be forced to
starve or chimney sweep.
Its a good thing that young Faraday had a talent for being observant.
Instead of (from desperation) taking a chimney sweep job offered, Michael
found a way to observe the work performed before giving his answer. It gave
him the chance to really evaluate what that career path would do to him.
Faraday got a job selling newspapers for a year, and then apprenticing as a
bookbinder for seven. He started reading all he bound. Michael began taking
notes in a book he called, The Philosophical Miscellany which was, to
promote both amusement and instruction, and also to corroborate or
invalidate those theories which are continually starting into the world of
science; (Gladstone, 1872) Indeed, the rest of his life was spent religiously
taking notes to help himself be observant and learn. Later, as a physicists
assistant, being observant helped him uncover discoveries related to
Michael always seemed to be a hard worker. He had to find ways
to educate himself and took a gentlemans suggestion to heart by learning


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from the street around him. He had to work hard as a paper boy for a whole
year before the book binder decided to give him an apprenticeship. Once he
was in the book binding business, he worked really hard at learning
everything to educate himself. Faraday was always striving to become more
than he was and once he decided that he wanted to be a scientist, nothing
swayed him. He actually quit book binding after he finished the
apprenticeship, and risked unemployment while he went after the job he
really wanted. Michael never stopped working hard and followed his dreams.
The scientific method involves questioning, researching, hypothesizing
experimenting, and concluding, all of which young Faraday engaged in to
find truth(Hewitt, 2015.) To finally learn how to say his Rs, Michael took a
candle and observed his sisters different tongue positions as she talked.
From this research he experimented with his own mouth and finally learned
to say, R correctly. He also observed that, as it turned out, he did not want
to be a dirty, drunken, slightly deformed chimney sweep with a short life
expectancy and many health issues. He didnt just take things for granted,
but investigated to find the truth. Later, as an apprentice, when somebody
told him that his notes were hideous and had that the drawings associated
had no sense of perspective, Michael took this to heart. He evaluated the
truth of what the person was saying, and found it to be true. Consequently
Faraday began being tutored by a great artist and reading books on grammar
to work hard on developing his skills.


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Lastly, Faradays commitment to ethics and beliefs were a core part of
who he was and why he was successful. Because Michael was honest and
returned the shilling to his teacher that was meant to purchase his device of
discipline, the book binder was willing to hire him as a paper boy. Faraday
valued passion for knowledge, and worked incredibly hard to achieve it. He
also, from a young age, took care of his mother and sister when his father
passed away showing that he cared for his family. His family was very faithful
and this religious nature seemed to shape a sense of self-efficacy in Michael.
Self-efficacy means that our responses to life challenges can have a
meaningful effect and that we are confident in our ability to solve problems.
(Ford, 2007) This self-efficacy undoubtedly helped him deal with scientific
failures with resiliency when they occurred.
Yes, the young Michael Faraday was just as amazing as the famous
scientist he became. Michael observed his world carefully. He worked hard
and worked hard at learning. Faraday followed scientific methods and
experimented to find truth. He also had core values and beliefs to guide him
on his path to greatness. Michael Faraday was more than just a page in
history. It is for so much more that we call him the, Father of Electronics.


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Ford, L. (2007). Human relations: A game plan for improving

personal adjustment. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice

Gladstone, J. H. (1872). Michael Faraday. New York: Harper and
Hewitt, P. G. (2015). Conceptual physics (12th ed.).
Ludwig, C. (1978). Michael Faraday, father of electronics.
Scottdale, PA: Herald Press.

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