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Goal Setting for Professional Experience

Setting goals
Things I think I did really well during my last
professional experience


Relevant APST

Selecting and using resources

During my practicum I utilised a range

of sources including my mentor teacher
and other staff, internet sites and
textbooks to prepare resources that
were of quality, appropriate to the stage
level and engaging for the students.
This is evident in my final report where I
exceeded expectations and my mentor
teacher acknowledged this as one of my
strengths in professional conversations
we shared.

3.4 Select and use resources

Demonstrate knowledge of a range
of resources, including ICT, that
engage students in their learning.

Engaging with parents and carers

I had ample opportunities to interact

and engage with parent and carers of
the Kindergarten class on my previous
practicum. I presented at the parent
information session that was held early
in Term 1 as wall as sending home a
letter of introduction. Parents and carers
felt comfortable to approach me with
questions and concerns as I roamed the
playground areas in front of the
classroom before and after school.
Evidence involves the schedule from the

7.3 Engage with the parents/carers

Understand strategies for working
effectively, sensitively and
confidentially with parents/carers.
3.7 Engage parents/carers in the
educative process Describe a
broad range of strategies for
involving parents/carers in the
educative process.

information session and my mentor

teachers comments in my final report.

Use effective classroom communication verbal

and nonverbal strategies

During my previous practicum on a

kindergarten class I developed
strategies for gaining attention and
supporting engagement with the group
of 44 students. As well as successfully
communicating learning intentions and
success criteria. This is evident in my
final report where I exceeded my
mentor teachers expectations.

3.5 Use effective classroom

communication Demonstrate a
range of verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies to
support student engagement.

Use ICT effectively

I feel confident in using ICT in the

classroom and creating innovative
activities for the students to engage
with as active participants in their
learning. This is evident in my
successful integration of ICT in my
practicum lesson plans.

2.6 Information and

Communication Technology (ICT)
Implement teaching strategies for
using ICT to expand curriculum
learning opportunities for students.

Things I found challenging during my last

professional experience

Understanding the uses for Sentral and using it


Action Plan

Relevant APST

How will I improve?


Explore the Sentral website and

become familiar with its uses and
Establish a plan with my mentor
teacher (dependent on the access
to the site I can be granted) to
explore the uses of Sentral and

7.2 Comply with legislative,

administrative and organisational
requirements Understand the
relevant legislative, administrative
and organisational policies and
processes required for teachers

how to input data on student

achievement as well as incident

according to school stage.

4.4 Maintain student safety
Describe strategies that support
students wellbeing and safety
working with school and/or system,
curriculum and legislative
5.5 Report on student achievement
Demonstrate understanding of a
range of strategies for reporting to
students and parents/carers and
the purpose of keeping accurate
and reliable records of student

During my last practicum I found timing during

rotating activities challenging to manage

In my last practicum my mentor

teacher and I discussed methods
to effectively manage time
keeping in rotating activities in
order to complete the entire
We discussed methods such as
stopwatches and timers with
beepers etc.
I utilised these strategies during
my practicum, I would like to
further implement these
strategies in my lessons, to

4.2 Manage classroom activities

Demonstrate the capacity to
organise classroom activities and
provide clear directions.

Behaviour management strategies

Use assessment tracking tools to further inform

my teaching.

ensure they become routine

I will have a discussion with my
mentor teacher about this goal
focus for my practicum and utilise
strategies of time keeping in my
I will know that I am effectively
managing time during rotating
groups if I reach the reflection
phase of my lesson.
Before I meet with my mentor
teacher I will research behaviour
management strategies to trial
with particular students in my
When I meet with my mentor
teacher I will discuss the
strategies researched and seek
advice and suggestions for
implementing these strategies
when challenging behaviour

4.3 Manage challenging behaviour

Demonstrate knowledge of
practical approached to manage
challenging behaviour.

During my pervious practicum I

participated in completing several
Best Start data assessments on
the kindergarten students in my
class. I also utilised a range of
formative assessment tools.

5.1 Assess student learning

Demonstrate understanding of
assessment strategies, including
informal and formal, diagnostic,
formative and summative
approaches to assess student

However this is an area of my

teaching that I would like to
continue to develop.
Before I meet with my mentor
teacher I will research
assessment tracking tools,
continuum clusters and I can
When meeting with my mentor
teacher I will share this goal focus
and view current PLan data to
inform future teaching practice.


Formulate 4 goals for your professional experience. Back each one up with a three-step action plan to reach it. Make sure each
one is SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)

During my practicum I will seek and apply advice for understanding how to use the learning and student management software
system Sentral in my school.

1. Before I return to my practicum school, I will explore the Sentral Education website I will determine
what it can be used for and how I can be involved in using it.
2. When I meet my mentor teacher I will share with her my goal to become more confident using Sentral and understand the full
range of uses that my practicum school uses Sentral for. For example student profiles, assessment data, incident reports and
school awards.

3. With my mentor teacher I will establish a plan to develop my understanding of Sentral. This is dependent on the access I will
have to the system. If access is not available I will seek information on the processes on which data entry is added to the system.
I will ask to be a part of this process and make notes on the steps involved.

I will utilise strategies for time keeping during rotating activities to ensure my lessons reach the reflection phase.

1. During my pervious practicum, my mentor teacher and I discussed methods of managing time in rotating group situations, as
this was an area of my teaching that needed improvement. I experimented with stopwatches, beepers and timers and there was
a definite improvement, however I would like to continue to focus on this aspect of my teaching to ensure I become confident in
managing rotating activities and reaching the final reflection phase of the lesson.
2. I will have a discussion with my mentor teacher about this goal focus for my practicum and utilise strategies of time keeping in
my teaching. During my daybook planning I will work out rough estimates of times and as I move to each new phase in my lesson
I will take note of the time, so adjustments can be made if necessary.
3. I will reflect on the effectiveness of the strategies I am using and I will know I have achieved this goal if my lessons that involve
rotating activities complete a full rotation and reflection phase of the lesson.

I will trial behaviour management strategies on the students in my class and reflect on their effectiveness.

1. Research behaviour management strategies. Begin a discussion with my mentor teacher about behaviour management for
particular students in the kindergarten classroom. Determine strategies to trial.

2. Implement strategies
3. Reflect on their effectiveness for particular students in the kindergarten classroom.

Use assessment and analysis of student work samples to further inform my teaching.

1. During my pervious practicum I participated in completing several Best Start data assessments on the kindergarten students in
my class. I also utilised a range of formative assessment tools. However this is an area of my teaching that I would like to
continue to develop. Before I meet with my mentor teacher I will research assessment tracking tools, continuum clusters and I
can statements.
2. When meeting with my mentor teacher I will share this goal focus and view current PLan data to inform future teaching
3. Determine appropriate assessment strategies to utilise in my lessons and reflect on their effectiveness.

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