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In writing this multi- genre paper, I was able to empathize and identify with the main

character, Leonard Wilks. Since my career goal is to become involved in film, I was particularly
interested in entertainment during Victorian England. Growing up in the twenty first century, I
was able to construct something so prevalent in todays society. Opportunity for the little guy.
Through research, I was able to gather information about the main entertainment industry of
the time. By applying this knowledge to a character through multi- genre papers, I assimilated
the idea of Acting Reality Away.
Through writing the diary entry, I was able to create a foundation to my story by using
research from real actors such as John Phillips and Edmund Kean. Falling back in time allowed
the nineteenth century actor, Leonard Wilks, to emerge. Writing the play advertisement
explained displayed how popular theatre was and the obvious appeal that it would have to the
public. A play criticism by a renowned critic, displays what a good theatre production would
be like the Victorian Age while also shedding light on Victorias and Leonards relationship. A
good review by a well known critic can either make or break a production.
The short dialogue between John Holly and Leonard Wilk shed light into the tense
relationship they had. Finally, Leonards eulogy written and spoken by John Holly is an
unexpected twist because, it was Holly who had actually murdered Leonard. By having John
Holly perform a eulogy, readers can envision the haughtiness and greed that took place while
hiding the truth from the public.
In, Acting Reality Away, John Holly is able to get away with his murder as no one will
suspect or want to suspect him because of his popularity among Victorians. It is also important
to note that Leonard was an Irish immigrant making it big in London. This also explains the
Victorian attitudes which impacted Holly getting away with blind corruption. John Holly has
put on such a good performance in reality, that he actually got away with murder. All of these
genres help define the Acting Reality Away that existed for entertainers in Victorian
Using the multi- genre approach helped to understand perspectives in a meaningful
way. It is my hope that the reader will also empathize, identify, and assimilate with many of the
underclass to understand the Acting Reality Away. By working in several stages of this
project, I have a strong sense of accomplishment by gathering information and incorporating a
story with a character.
During this project, I also realized the wider implication of Acting Reality Away. Not
only describing the life condition and expectations of theatre if you were not born into an art
family, it also implies why of it was preferred to put on a fake persona in front of the public.
This project challenged a dierent way of thinking and interpreting. By being able to
use creativity, I enjoyed working on this multi- genre paper. Now, after finishing the research
and writing the dierent genres for this assignment, I
have perceived the lifestyle and dierences between the a prominent actor and lesser known
actor in Victorian England.
The characters, John Holly and Leonard Wilks, helped to unfold my understanding. It
also made me realize how fortunate I am growing up in the twenty first century. My dream of
becoming a screenwriter would
have been very dierent in Victorian England. Acting Reality Away does not foster positive
performance. As a society we must be aware of this, and not allow any other injustices to exist.

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