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Note to Reader:

These are just some ideas that I started writing on. I plan to develop these more,
add more research, and add the rest of the topics that I plan to discuss. I have an
outline that you can use as a guideline to see where I am going. Please let me know
what you think of what I have written thus far keeping in mind that it will probably
shift and move around.
Reader Response: I like what you have so far, but I changed the wording of your
thesis statement to make it a more definitive argument. Make sure that your essay
encompasses the thesis statement, and meets the argument that you are trying to
make (Education system diminishes creative ability which diminishes culture and
fashion.) Your intro paragraph is really good and I like how it puts questions into the
readers head. I also like specific examples (like the Japanese Harajuku girls), and
think including these will benefit your argument.
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the
street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Coco
What role does the fashion industry play on society? The fashion industry is a
vital part of everyday life. It encompasses almost every aspect of much of the
things that we are a part of. Often times we hear people say that first impressions
are everything. When you first look at someone what do you see? Usually you see
their race, ethnicity, and what they are wearing. What a person has on can say a lot
about how they feel or who they are as a person. Sometimes it may say that they
care too much or that they dont care enough. Sometimes it can tell you how much
money they have or how much they spend which can give you an idea on whether
the person is materialistic. Fashion is a way of expression. Perhaps someone with
very loud or eccentric clothing wants to be noticed or is very outgoing. Fashion
binds our society together by showing culture, expression and representing the time
period that we are in. It can be seen as a key to history or a pathway to the future.
Culture and fashion simultaneously affect each other, and society is always seeking
new ways to be creative and innovative; however, we are allowing our education

system to diminish creative ability which in turn negatively affects culture and
According to Diane Murek, author of the blog Into the Fashion, fashion finds
inspiration from three main sources. These sources are high culture, popular culture,
and subculture. As I cultivated my research these are three main points from which I
grew in order to find the answer to my question. A very important misconception
that I became aware of early in my research was the idea that one aspect of culture
is no better or more prevalent than another. High culture is viewed to be elite and
prestigious and includes the fine arts. We often see fashion being inspired by
paintings or music that comes from this specific part of culture; however, fashion
can be inspired by anything.
{Issac Mizrahi paragraph}
Popular culture appeals to the masses, and is often heavily influenced by high
culture. Popular culture is based on what the average everyday people connect and
respond to such as keeping up with celebrities or finding inspiration from the latest
television shows (Murek par.2). According to William Raymond, a writer for on online
magazine looking at culture, high and popular culture are abstract. Although I did
not particularly care for his analysis he shed light on the importance of
understanding the history of the word culture in order to see how it fits into our
society today. It is important to realize that fashion tells us about our time period
and helps us to realize what is acceptable or not acceptable.
Subculture is often seen as being regional; however, it can still have a large
impact on the world. An article titled Street Art: High or Low Art Form? gives us a
look at how graffiti and other types of street part play a role in our society.

Subcultures are distinct parts of a culture overall and are only one subset of the
culture as a whole. It is very possible to be a part of multiple subcultures, and the
interaction that you get from that may create a new subculture. As Diane Murek
points out, the Japanese Harajuku girls are a part of a widely known subculture that
has allowed for them to become inspiration for music and fashion design all over
the world.
As I continue to analyze the fashion industry and the role it plays on
society, I will delve into novelty and conformity. Novelty and conformity are
psychological ideals on the way we fit into society. Although we may dare to be
different, we often conform or merge into the people around us. As it relates to the
fashion industry, I have to wonder how creative are the individuals that design the
clothes that we wear? Are we all creatively bouncing ideas off of one another or just
taking the same ideas and putting them into our own perspectives?
{Novelty & Conformity Research}
{School System}
{Connect evervthing}
Works Cited

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