20 Project

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20% Time Proposal

1. In one sentence, describe what 20% time represents in your own words.
20% is a time you can learn anything you want (technology).
2. You have the opportunity in this course to allocate 20% time to learn anything you want (relating to
technology) that you always wanted to learn, yet never had the time. Explain what topic you would
like to learn by answering the following: What is it? What do I specifically want to learn? What do I
want to gain from this learning experience?
I would like to learn how to create videos through Magisto. I would like to gain from this experience more
knowledge and confidence of learning technology.
3. How will this topic impact your personal life or your professional life relating to technology? Provide
concrete examples.
I will create videos of my grandchildren as they grow. Example: video the basketball games that they play also
video our vacation at Disney. For my professional life, I would use videos to show to my students. Example:
after a field trip show the video and talk/ask question.
4. What product(s) will you create to demonstrate your learning? Please be very specific.
The products I will use to create my video are: Pictures from Philadelphia Zoo, music, and designs from
5. How will the observer (teacher/classmates) know you have mastered a particular topic? In simple,
terms, how can/will your product(s) be evaluated? Please be very detailed and specific. (Example: Will
there be a rubric, checklist, etc.?)
The observer will know that I mastered the topic through the information I will provide. I will give each person
a hand-out of what my product is, where it can be found, how it can be used, if it is a freebee, and how many
slides can be used at one time.
6. How will you demonstrate your knowledge to your peers in a 5 minute presentation? In simple terms,
how will you present your findings? Please be very specific.
I will present my findings in a 2min speech, answering question and a 2min video.

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