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The age of Adeline is a movie, between romantic and drama genre. This film was premiered
for one year ago, so far it's one the best romantic films since 2015. The principal actors are
Blake Lively as Adeline, Michael Huisman as Ellis Jones and Harrison Ford as William Jones.
This story talks about Adeline Bowman one young women. This story talks about a young
woman who at the age of twenty-nine had an accident that includes a car, storms and
lightning. Before the accident she had a normal live, but since the accident her life changed,
because she stopped get old, and for many decades her physical appearance was the same.
She had a solitary life, far away from anyone who reveal his secret of youth eternal.
When she was 107 years old. She moved to San Francisco and she began working in a
library and one day she meets a young man, they fall in love and she decides it's time to stop
run away and she understands that her life was better with love. So, she decided to travel
with him to home of his parents. William is Ellis's father and he is the old love of Adeline when
they were in the university. And they didn't know, until one day William seen one scar in her
hand, he remembers when she cut her hand many years ago, when they were young. So, he
discovers her secret and she run away and she has other accident, but with snow storms and
she dies for some minutes, and after she wakes up in the clinic with Ellis and William around
her. Ellis knows her secret since his father told him the true.
So, after many years, she lives happy with Ellen, and one day, when they go out for an event,
she sees that she has got some grey hairs in her dark hair. Since this moment she live happy
and with a normal life as a normal person.
I recommend this film for those who like romantic and classic films, as this film. Its
unforgettable and of course romantic. For me it's the better movie, but some people say that
THE AGE OF ADALINE is a boring film because talk about that eternal youth and they think is
a very common topic, but this film, I think it's different, the story its very interesting. I've seen
several times and I've never ever boring with this film.

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