Child Study Notes

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“oa Towson University MSED Portfolio ‘Child Study ~1* Semester School-Based Personnel Notes Make an appointment with another person at your school that works with your student. Make sure to explain who you are, your connection to Towson University, and who your mentor teacher is. Explain that you want to know more about your student in order to better meet her/his needs in your classroom. Date: 1.) Inwhat capacity do you work with this student? (reading specialist, a education teacher, guidance sage fd , teacher)? pe ssi sia. nt in Moth ; 2.) How long hav you ES Brin Smonths aioe joy eucie E ooes ee The student tends 40 dau dream and. ee ari €+ off alot danieg ree ind dep Pek He reeds) acta redirecho No rhseg ane work even oCler given seine! 4) Comper alt physical, social, emotional or cognitive needs of this student? ( Ms Child usually tends 4o Keop to Munsel? in A, own world talkeng and K video feng \e aie i? pe Neo S J re {his child neeals ch me enone aed recrechn ng . Dul r enor) Bvoups: (large 6.) Do you have any insight into the social and academic behavior of this student? Last revised January 2009 His Acdece befavioy IS very por and his grades vreFlect +his. He Is. sethngs Joose hisfPocus)

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