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Instructional Context
a. Grade Level
4th Grade
b. Content Area/Course
Social Studies
c. Unit Title
The Midwest Region of the United States
d. Anticipated Length of Unit
1.5-2 weeks
e. List any required devices/supplies
Notebooks, computers, PowerPoint, pencils,
f. Differentiation plans for a variety of learning styles
ELL Students
1. Information will be provided to ELL
students in the language that they are most comfortable with. A
paraprofessional will be onhand to help ELL students in order to
ensure that they are comprehending all the information.
Nonverbal Students
1. These students will be supplied with
Proloquo2Go in order to participate while they are in their groups.
They will use the app to collaborate with others in order to get
their ideas across.
Students with Learning Disabilities
1. For these students, extra support will
be provided. There will be paraprofessionals within the classroom
to assist these students in any support that they may require.
Gifted and Talented Students
1. For these students, they will be
required to research and find more than 4 points on their
requirement. Each student is only required to find 4 points for their
requirement; however, the gifted and talented students will need to
find 6-8.
2. Standards Addressed (at least one content standard, one Common Core Tech
Standard, and TWO ISTE standards)
a. Tech Standards (NETS for students)
Common Core Tech Standards
1. A.4.5 Use media and technology to
create and present information
2. A.4.6 Evaluate the use of media and
technology in a production or presentation
ISTE Standards
1. Creativity and Information

a. Students demonstrate
creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology
2. Research and Information Fluency
a. Students apply digital
tools to gather, evaluate, and use information
b. WI Academic Standards, Common Core Standards, National
A.4.2 Locate on a map or globe physical features
such as continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and land forms, natural
features such as resources, flora, and fauna; and human features such as
cities, states, and national borders
A.4.4 Describe and give examples of ways in which
people interact with the physical environment, including use of land,
location of communities, methods of construction, and design of shelters
B.4.4 Compare and contrast changes in
contemporary life with life in the past by looking at social, economic,
political, and cultural roles played by individuals and groups
iv. D.4.6 Identify the economic roles of various
institutions, including households, businesses, and government
3. Lesson Objectives (Learning Objectives)
a. Students will be able to correctly identify all 12 states in the
Midwest Region of the United States of America.
b. Students will effectively work in groups of 5 to create a
marketing video on a state in the Midwest Region of the United States of
c. Students will effectively use Educreations in order to create a
marketing video on a state in the Midwest Region of the United States of
d. Students will use Kahoot to correctly identify basic information on
the Midwest Region of the United States of America.
4. Instructional Activities and Samples
a. How will you introduce your unit? How will you close it?
The unit will be introduced with a PowerPoint of
the Midwest Region of the United States of America. The PowerPoint will
contain very basic information about the region. The reason for this is
because the end project will require students to research the region more in
depth. So, the goal is to give students a basic overview of what the region
consists of before they begin working on their research project in groups.
The unit will close with students presenting their
marketing video about the state they chose in their groups. Each group
will present their video of why their state is better than the others in the
region. There can be no repeats of states as well. Once all of the videos,

the students will take a vote on which state they would like to visit the
b. Layout all content in the order the unit will be delivered.
Embed/link documents this way too (not at the end)
c. Use student-centered frame of reference
d. Include formative assessment (consider using a tech tool)
Kahoot will be used to test students knowledge on
the basics of the Midwest region. They will complete the Kahoot quiz
once the teacher has finished the PowerPoint on the Midwest Region.
e. Include all activities - tech or not
f. Tech Activities - think first about the ISTE standards you want to
address. This is your chance to showcase what youve learned in the course!
Must have at least one Interactive tech activity (i.e.
Web 2.0 website where students interact online)
1. Kahoot will be the Interactive tech
activity that we will complete during the unit
Must have at least one tech activity with summative
assessment where students can create something to illustrate what theyve
learned. Make sure to include a rubric for summative assessment
1. The marketing video will be the
summative assessment the students will complete. A rubric will be
supplied in order to give students an idea of what should be and
not be included within their video. Students will use Educreations
to complete the marketing video.
You should have other tech pieces to include
(review videos, websites to access, activities, etc). Remember, this is
supposed to be a technology-rich instructional plan.
iv. Include directions for what students will be doing
and instructions on how to use the tech tools
1. Students will work in groups of 5 in
order to create a marketing video on a state in the Midwest
Region. Each group can choose their own state, but there can be no
repeats. So, it is on a first come first serve basis.
2. Within each group, there will be 5
requirements that must be discussed within the video about the
state. These requirements include: history, economy, physical
geography, interesting facts/symbols, and basic information about
the state. The best way to complete these 5 requirements is to

assign 1 requirement to each person. So, one person is responsible

for history, another person is responsible for economy, etc. Each
person must research their requirement in order to obtain sufficient
3. When it comes time to creating the
video, each person must speak about their requirement or one
person can speak. However, if one person speaks, everyone must
work together and not let that one person do all of the work. There
is no time limit on the video as well. In addition, pictures should be
used with the video. The video will be created on Educreations. A
grade will be provided for the group out of 20 points.
v. Provide samples for each tech activity (do the
activity yourself)

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