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Gina DAngeli

Parker Elementary
Third Grade: Inclusion
Explain the nature, characteristics, and distribution of renewable and non-renewable
Students will be able to define the 4Rs learned in a previous lesson and then
implement one of the Rs to create their own household object by reusing recyclable
A collection of a variety of recyclable household items.
10 glue sticks
18 scissors
3 rolls of scotch tape.
6 dry erase markers.
1 bracelet
1. I will transition students into the Social Studies lesson from the math lesson by
announcing in the closing of my math lesson that we will continue our creative
thinking onto a new project.
2. I will direct students that when they are sitting in one I know they are done
and ready to begin social studies.
3. (Introduction) I will state the objective to the class: Today, students will be able
to work in groups and create a household item made from reusable & recycled
4. I will connect our objective to the class discussion we had the following Friday for
earth day and ask the students to become student teachers and teach my
supervisor the 4 Rs they learned on Earth Day..
5. I will assign one R word to each group and allow 3 minutes for them to discuss
how they will define their R word to my supervisor.

6. I will allow 3 minutes for students to collaborate and discuss their R word.
7. I will rotate while students collaborate to assess their understanding of their R
8. After 3 minutes I will regain students attention by utilizing the echo clap.
9. I will allow each group 2 minutes to define their R word to my supervisor.
10. After each group has defined their word, I will have the class re-state the 4 Rs
as a whole group and record the words on the board.
11. I will present my reusable project (example) to my students by explaining what I
used from my recycle bin to make my supervisor and jewelry box.
12. I will ask my students what R I used while making my project.
13. I will explain to my students that they will work in groups today and create a
household item of their own just like Ms.D that you can use in the home out of the
materials in which I bought in for the class.
14. I will explain to my students if I see them not using the materials like
appropriate third graders they will be taken away.
15. I will review directions with my class.
16. I will pass out re-useable materials according to which group is sitting the
quietist so I know they are ready.
17. I will pass out materials to each group.
18. I will allow students to begin working
19. I will rotate to each group throughout the allotted time for students to work on
their projects .
20.( Due to this being a two day project ) I will stop 15 minutes before the buss kids
are called too inform the students they can start wrapping up in the next five
minutes and when they hear the timer it will be done to stop for the day but we will
continue tomorrow.
21. I will set the timer for five minutes.
22. I will rotate in the last five minutes to encourage students to start closing their
ideas and thoughts as well as begin to clean materials.
23. Closure: After regaining students attention with echo clap I will rotate to each
group and ask them to pick one R and define it.
24. I will remind students we will continue this project tomorrow.
25. I will begin end of day dismissal routine.

1. Student Engagement: students will be assessed based on their oral presentation

when defining one of the four Rs.
2. Projects: Students will be assessed on their group projects they present to the
3. Rotating: I will be able to assess students comprehension of the task at hand
when rotating to each group and conferencing with each group.
Classroom Management:
1. Allow for kinesthetic opportunity by having students physically engage in the
lesson by creating their own reusable household item.
2. Constantly rotate to each group while they are working on their projects to ensure
students stay on task and the students conduct appropriate classroom behavior.
3. Have students repeat directions before activity begins to ensure students
understand what they are responsible for (collaborating with peers to create a
project and responsible for their behavior).

I will confirm each student comprehends the task/directions by rotating to each
group and asking each student what is their responsibility in their group.
When creating groups, I will pair lower level students with higher level students in
each group.

Self Reflection
This was my favorite lesson I have taught so far while student teaching. I was
extremely pleased with the beginning, middle and ending results of my lesson for
my students. Knowing that a project would need to be heavily monitored in an
inclusion classroom my main goal as student teacher during this lesson was to have
constant management on my students and environment as I knew this lesson could
easily get out of control due to the excitement students showed in being able to
make their own household item. I knew for this lesson repeating not just the
directions but also what my expectations for my students were during their work
would be vital in assuring I maintain proper classroom management.
While this lesson was a continuation from Fridays lesson during Earth Day
and ways to help your community I was pleased at how well and articulate the
students were able to complete the first part of my lesson which was defining one of
the Rs to my supervisor. I chose to incorporate my supervisor into this lesson
because I noticed that when Ms. Sue is in the room many students constant watch
her and at times do not focus on what I am teaching. So, I thought it would be
effective to incorporate Sue into my plan so that students could engage with her
while still maintaining focus on my lesson and task at hand.
Knowing my students would not finish today, one thing I would go back and
change in my lesson if I could would be to have taken more time to assist students
in brain storming their ideas first. I should have allotted a time frame for students
to first brainstorm and discuss ideas and then regain the classs attention as a
whole group and make a statement such as now that you have had time to discuss
and plan an idea it is time to start making what you discussed. It seemed that
each group was working at different paces, while some were easily able to
collaborate and start executing a plan, other groups spent a majority of the time
only talking which I began to notice allowed for major distraction for some students.
While I feel I was successful in refocusing students when I saw them getting off task,
I now know I would have incorporated separate time for group discussion and then
execution of their plan instead of only beginning the project and rotating.
I feel ny students were successful in grasping the task at hand because they
were excellent during the beginning and end of the lesson when having to define
one of the four Rs. Also, all students seemed motivated, even those that would lose
focus once they were guided back to the task, they participated with excitement
and enthusiasm which made me feel that students understood the lesson as well as
were interested in what they were doing and showed great passion when sharing

their ideas with me when I would rotate to their groups. I feel pairing higher level
students with lower level students was beneficial and I was happy to see each
student was successful in choosing their job for the group and following through.
Overall, I believe that when an opportunity allows for kinesthetic lesson or
activity to occur in ones classroom you should take that opportunity as a teacher
especially if you are in a classroom such as inclusion. Many of these students need
movement and opportunity to be responsible and learn how to appropriately engage
in a group project. Although we had four teachers rotating while this lesson
occurred, I was still pleased with the independent work my students were able to
conduct during this lesson.

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