Math Rbric

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Students completion

Venn Diagram

1 Points
Students completed
0-1 of the sections.
Students did not
complete a Venn
Diagram or did one
that was completely
unrelated to the

2 Points
Students completed
2-3 of the sections.
Students did the
Venn Diagram and
at least half of the
requirements listed
in the process
section are
completed. One
three mistakes were
made in the input in
the bubbles.
The estimated guess
was logical. The
right answer was
never obtained, but
some logical thought
process was shown
or described.

Estimated Guess
and Real Value

Guess was not

logical and no
correct answer was
ever achieved. No
logic shown to
attempt to solve


The Paragraph was

not written or was
one sentence or was
not logical.

Paragraph was 2-3

logical sentences
that demonstrated a
understanding of the
character in terms of
the story.

Thought Organizer

Thought Organizer is
incomplete or only
has no logical

Thought Organizer
part of the
information provided
from the story.
Emerging thought
process can be seen,
but is not

Total Mathl Journal

Student did not

follow any of the
directions. There is
no completed
project. The section
is not labeled.

The student printed

out some of the
information but did
not put it together
following the verbal
instructions given in
class or the
information about
pages in step one.

3 Points
Students completed
all of sections.
Students completed
all requirements for
their Venn Diagram.
The two bubble
overlap and have
correct figures.

Estimated Guess
was logical, even if
not correct. The
right answer was
achieved through
the thought
organizer or another
Paragraph is 4or
mores stances that
are cohesive and
well written. They
convey the point of
the paper well and
Student was able to
use thought
organizer to logically
convey information
presented in the
story. Student
arrived at correct
numerical vale for
the total number the
caterpillar ate.
Students Journal
followed directions
and has an overall
nice appearance.
Students followed
directions and
included all subject
material under the
correct heading.

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