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Alamitos Intermediate Companion Teacher



Gen Ed

Bradley Wojtkiewicz 7th Grade

World History


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General Strengths:

Jaiden for the most part has a positive attitude towards learning and is very receptive
to feedback regarding her work. She works well with her peers, performing adequately when placed in small groups (4). She also has decent work habits, and when she is
in class she is seldom off task and does well engaging with the material.

Academic Strengths:

Jaiden has the academic drive to succeed and wants to do well. Jaiden is able to see
the connections between different historical content when presented with material in a
clear manner. She is able to apply critical thinking skills to different scenarios and
often approaches historical content from varying perspectives. Jaiden is also motivated on most days, contributing to her learning and has a generally positive attitude to


Current Grade: A BCDF

Cit.O S NU

W.H. O S N U

Comes to class prepared


Above average

Below average


Comments: Jaiden is on time on class and is

always ready to learn, responding well to
initial directions and class procedures.

Organizational skills: property

Comments: This is an area of focus. Most

material the class engages with is used in
one class period, but on occasions when
activities go into the next class period, her
materials are sometimes not in the best

Organizational skills:

Comments:Jaiden is able to engage with

higher level critical thinking when being with
worked with closely under teacher supervision, but can become somewhat lost without
explicit 1 on 1 instruction. She works well
with the organizers that are presented to her
regularly as long as they are clearly explained to her.

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Effort in class

Comments: Jaiden is always a pleasure to

have in class, and comes into the class each
day with a positive attitude towards learning.
Generally, she is on task and puts forth good
effort with the material and is a regular contributor. However, at times she becomes discouraged and loses some of her positive attitude, impeding her learning.

Turns work in on time

Comments: When she is present in class,

Jadien is on task and oriented with the material, completing her assignments with her

Performance on daily work

Comments:While she is able to complete

her work in a timely manner, the quality of
the work can sometimes be lacking. The
depth of knowledge that is required to take
effective notes and make critical analysis on
the historical documents that the class engages with is below the necessary level to
use as effective study tools. Even with guided through activities, there is much left to be

Performance on tests

Comments: This is the biggest area of focus

for Jaiden in the history setting. Her performance on tests has been poor at best, even
on M/C exams. As tests and quizzes make
up that majority of the grades in class, this is
an area of focus.

Peer interactions

Comments: Jaiden is well liked by her peers

and gets along with with her group members,
which is a regular part of the classroom interactions.

Social problem solving skills

Comments: From her performance in class,

there have been no social problems and
Jaiden is a welcomed member of the classroom community.

Barriers to students success:

Although multiple forms of input are used in the classroom, such as video and
images to supplement the required reading, a large part of the content is delivered via reading materials. Jaidens below average reading and writing ability is
the largest impediment to her success in the classroom, as it makes it difficult
for there to take effective notes, even when they are scaffolded and done in
pairs of groups.
In addition to this, Jaiden sometimes becomes discouraged with her own performance, even when she is putting in good effort and making progress. Increased positivity coupled with her innate drive to succeed, which I have seen
in class, would increase her grades in class.

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Please describe the accommodations & modifications support you are incorporating
and recommend:
Much of the work that is done in class with Jaiden is heavily scaffolded and modeled.
Jaiden is provided with numerous organizers that aid her in finding the necessary information and helping her to organizer her thoughts in an effective manner.
Independent work is a rarity in the class, and most readings are done in pairs or groups,
where she is abel to receive support from her peers. She is placed in a groups with two
students with average or above average reading levels, who are also very patient with
their peers, and whom she gets along with fairly well.
In regards to testing, there is no time limit for Jaiden to complete her quizzes or exams,
and she may take as long as she needs, although she seldom takes the longest on any
of the exams.

Any other comments:

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Jaiden is a joy to have in class, and her attitude toward learning and the content
has been welcome in the classroom.

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