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Focus Lesson 4/28

Period 2
Grade 7
World History
Unit: Feudal Europe
Focus Standard: 7.6.3 Understand the development of feudalism, its role in the
medieval European economy, the way in which it was influenced by physical geography
(the role of the manor and the growth of towns), and how feudal relationships provided
the foundation of political order.
Common Core Standard: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Students will be able to describe the feudal system and understand the lord vassal
relationship with 100% accuracy.
Today I will participate in a simulation and take notes
So that I can understand the development of feudalism
Essential Question:
What is feudalism and what is the relationship between lords and vassals in this
1. Students will acquire handout upon entering class.
2. Students will answer question 2.2 independently on their worksheet as a warm-up
that draws on prior knowledge.
3. After reviewing the first 2 questions on the handout as a class, we will transition to a
brief into PPT that covers some basic facts of Feudalism
4. I will then divide the class into groups by handing out cards.
1. 3 cards say noble/lord
2. 8 cars say Knight
3. Remainder of students are peasants.
4. Each Noble gets 2 knights and the peasants for their manor
5. Each peasant will be given 3 pieces of candy.
6. Peasants will give 2 pieces to their knight, keeping 1
7. Each night will keep 1 piece of candy, giving reminder to noble.
8. Each noble will keep 2 pieces of candy, giving remainder to me, the King.
9. This will demonstrate the relationship between Lords/Vassals and economy of
the feudal system
5. Students will then go back to their seats
6. Students will view a PPT that will serve as closure to the activity, taking note on their
pyramid section on their handout for each class in the feudal system.

Documents Needed:
1. PPT
2. Worksheet
3. Cards for activity
4. Candy for activity
5. Projector and Screen
Students will take notes on their handout for the responsibilities of each class in the
feudal system in order to be prepared for a larger discussion the following day.

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