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G comparatives end superlatives, V transportation and travel P_ stress in compound nouns Race to the sun Lesson plan inh sso S$ review comparative and superlative forms and learn commen words and phrases connected with travel and transportation. ln the first half of the lesson, the context isa race from London to the South af France 10 see which form of trar sportation (cax plane, or train) is the uuickest, cheapest, anid snost comfortable, In the second half of the lesson, the topic changes to safety and §S read and listen about some research that was done to determine which activities done while driving are the most dang (e-ga talking on the phone, opening a bag of chips, etc). This leads 10 88 talking about various aspects of road safety, such as speed limits and drinking, and deiving, ‘The pro ‘on Focus is on word stress in compound nouns, Optional lead-in (books closed) # Do-a quick class survey by writing these thtee questions an the board 1 How do yo How long does it ake you? 1 ro class? 3 Do you nor i have a good or bad trip’ ‘¢ First, have $5 ask the questions to the 88 sitting them. Remind tc. and either on foot, or more usually I walk that you can say by ear /srain / subway, Then find ont with a show of hands which is the most popular form of transportation and who has the shortest ana the longest trip. Also try to establish who has the best of easiest trip and who has the worst 1 READING © Books open. Put $8 in pairs and have them ask each other the two questions. Get som class about which is the most popular of the three forms of transportation responses from the b @ Focus on the title of the article and mak: understand race, Tell $$ that they a about a race that was Journalists who traveled either by train, car, or plan from London to the South of France. Tell $8 to look at the map and the photos. Explain that maay people in Beitain go on vacation t of about what isthe be 1 plane, Tell SS that they are goit tuips by plane and train and that later out nce and that people arg) read about i they will listen to the car driver's trp. ‘# lave SS read the introduction to the article, Ch tunderstand the meaning « sme (=a cheap and the phrasal and thea have SS in pairs 19 avoid $5 seeing that these partially answered in exercise 2 on pag airline that sells tickets on the Intern = tostarta answer the questions, (T questions are wor ser pinions feoon the clas, © Explain the task and give 5 article to find out (but not to call out!) which paragraph they think isthe first one for the plane. Flicit that the answer is paragraph D, 4 moment to look at the 1 Now set a time limi for $$ to vead the two scrambled texts and put the paragraphs in order, When they think they have completed the task, they should cheek their answers with anather student. Check answers, ‘Theplane ‘The train Ip 2436 4G) 1F 2H 3B 4F Extra support You could now go through the text with the $5, reading, the twa trips eloud paragraph by paragraph, After each paragraph ask SS which words told them that it was 2 plane or train trip, and focis ox any oth to travel in geteral wh Traveling in general travel, set off suitcase, Luggage Plane airport flew (fly) airline check-in window seat x words related ) S$ could underline 2 Licked, tip, seat seat numbers. te 148} board / get on (a plane) took off (ake off) land Trai security station platform dining car « Focus on the instructions and have 8S read about the two trips again, this time in the right order and to. answer the questions by writing T or P in the boxes, Set & time limit and when $5 finish, get therm 16. compate their answers with 2 partners, and then check answers (P2T3P4T516F7P8P 91 OT You could have SS underline or highlight five words or phrases they want to remember from the text. Have them compare their words ) phrss then get some feedback From the class HOW WORDS woRK. # Focus on the examples and the explanation. Point cout that = How long does i sake... (4 verb)?is often used to ask how much time is needed to complete a pa retake to get downtown from wcular take to fy question: A: Hom c o e 4 We often use How long does take? without a second verdes As Lets goto Boston by tain, B: OK. Howe tong does it ake? A: Abo four hours 4 This construction can also be used to ask about ather things, not just tips, eg, How long does u rake to learn to speak a foreign faiguage? ‘© Focus on the task. Pur $5 in paits and have them ask aud answer the two questions. Encourage them to use ‘takes me... ah theit answers rather than just answering with a figure Extra support you think your 5S need more practice of his structure you could write some prompts on the board, eg. eal ‘Pst, boil an egg Ay 10 Miami, walk downiown, et, 2 LISTENING © 287 Tell SS thar they are now going to hear about the trp ofthe third person, the car deve, in te race to the South of France. Look again at the photo of Martin's car on page 28 ALththis isa different fesson from when you did exercise TREADING, it would be a good ides to have 85 tll you what they can remenaber about the people who traveled by tain and plane. 4 Focus on the pictures of Martin’ trip and the ask ‘Then play the recording al the way through for SS to {ry to nurther the pictures in order Extra idea Alternatively, you could pause the recording after each ‘section and ebeit which picture goes with it b © Have 85 read through seatences 1-9 and then play the recording again for SS to mark the sentences T ot F, Play the recording, (or part of it) again if necessary. Have them compare their ansivers with a partner's and then check answers, For false sentences elicit the correct information am {oudioscript in Student Book on page 123) Tet at six. It was stil dark whea I pat my suitcase in the car and drove off [twas fast and easy to go through Lonéan ‘because i was Saturday, so there was no rush eur tac Soon {was on the highway heading towerd Folkestone fon the sonth coast, | stopped at a gis station for a cup of coflee and a sandwich. | didn't buy any gas because it’s rnc cheaper in France COI Track 32 2 1 arrived in Folkestone at 8:10. The problem with traveling by car from England to France is that Britain is an island. There are 35 kilometers of water benween England and France. You ean get across it by ferry, but there's a much betier and quicker way ~ the Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel is only a train tunnel, nota road tunnel, and so you have to put your car on a tain, The trip takes an hour and a half, and drivers have to sit in their cars because there are 0 seats on the tra. for passengers. Lazrived at the terminal and joined the line ff cats waiting for the next train At 10:30 the train arrived in Calais and { drove my car fff the train and onto the road French road, It was nice to drive on the right again, although that was not so easy with an English car. ‘The traffic in Calais was ceally bad. Eunally Uget ant af Calais and onto the highway to the South of France, The speed limit on French highways is 130 kilometers an hour and the road was clea, so nos [could teavel ‘quickly. But first | stopped at a gas station to fll up. Gas is cheaper in France than in Britain but, ost the ther hand, you have to pay to travel on French highssays. lp Britain they are fre, T's 960 kilometers from Calais to Avignon, and the inp on the highway was boring, [listened to my favorite music to pass the time and | stopped again for lunch, At eight o'clock I nally arrived in Avignon. [ found my hotel and Iwas looking forward to a delicious Erench meal € #219 55 listen to the last part of Martin’ trp and complete the chart. Check ansivess, and ask $8 if they guessed correctly in exercise Va «a> CDI Track 35 At cight o'clock finally arrived in Avignon. Lfound my hotel and [ was looking forward to a delicious French meal. It took me 14 hours to get there, and costa total ‘of £200, [ gave the trp ten out of ten for convenience bur only six for comfort, [was exhausted. weyers Extra support If there's time, you could have SS listen to the recording wiul the audioscsipt on page 123 sa they can see exactly what they understood / didn’t understand. ‘Iransiate } explain any new wards ot phrases. 4d # Do this asa whole lass activity Agree on a city {preferably & good distance away). Hicit the different ‘ways of traveling there and write them on the board, e.g. by car, by bus, by train, by plane. Pict how long. the teip takes by each form of transportation and discuss which way isthe best worst. 3 GRAMMAR comparatives and superlatives, a Focus on the task, Have S$ do this in pairs or individually and then compare answers in pais. Check answers, b @ Tell SS t0 go to Grammar Bank 2C on page 132. Read the examples and go through the rues with the class, Grammar notes ‘Comparatives and superlatives {© SS will almost certainly have been taught the basic rules regarding comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, so this grammar focus should bbe mainly review and consolidation, SS may sill mix Up comparative ancl superative forms, e.g. This the 1, and make mistakes with the rules for forming comparatives and superlatives. ‘© Typical mistakes include: ~ Always using moreand mst, e., morebig, the most fs, te nixing up comparative and superlative forms, ©, Hiss the older building i the town. ~ confusing asand than, eg., Hhetraiism'tasckeap Ganesha. omission of the definite article, e.g, Hesbes- player inthe teams, ~ confusing adjectives and adverbs, e.g. You drive 4 Have S8 do the exercises on page 133 in paits or Individually. Check answers either after each exercise or after both, 1 Tell $5 to go back to the main lesson on page 30. © © PUrSS in pairs. Focus on the task and demonstrate ‘what SS have to do, «First, SS have to decide, eg. which is the satest of the three forms of trapsportation, eg. Traveling by ear is the safest, Traveling by nsotorcyele ts safer than traveling day Bike, Then they compare them again using each of the other two acliectives Extra challenge Have pairs compare with another pai t se ifthev agree, and get them tr defend their choices 4 VOCABULARY transportation and travel ‘a © All the words appeared in the reading or listening texts, Give $5 a couple of minutes to put them in the right column, Check answers I @ be Tell S$ to goto Vocabulary Bank Transportation and travel on page 148 and do section | Plane, either individually or in paits. Check answers and model and deill pronunciation, Point out that baggage and fuguage mean the same (i.e, bags and suiteases), but that lggageis the more common word to use, and baggage the more technical ‘word (used by the air industry}. You may also want to) teach the verb check in Now get $5 to do section 2 Train, Check answers. Elicit and drill che pronunciation, Point ovt that you can just use station instead of train station, f# Tell S$ to do section 3a Road, Check answers and pronunciation, $8 do 3b, They could compare their ansivers in pairs before you check answers Point out that the strong stress normally falls on the first syllable in compound nouns, eg. seat bell Finally, tell $S to do section 4 Travel, Check answers, Elicit the pronunciation of the words and model and deillsF necessary. # SS often confuse rave! with mip, so emphasize that travels often used asa verh and never asa countable noun. You can't say a-eavel Av trovel does exist as an uncountable noun, e.g. rravel broadens your muind, but it may be better not to focus ‘on this at this level so as not to confuse 8S. 43 e «Finally, focus on the instruction "Can you remember the words on this page? Test yourself or a partner” Testing yourself For Plane, Train and Road a SS can cover the words and look at the pictures and try to remember the words, For Road b they car cover the list and the compoune! nouns 1-13. They look at the clues and remember the phrases, uncovering one by one to check, For Travel they cover the definitions and look at the words on the list and try. to remember what they mean, Testinga partner See Testing a partner on page 15. Scan find more practice of these words ‘an the MultROM and on the American Euglsh File 3 Website «Tell §S to go back to the main leson on page 39. 5 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING stress in compound nouns Explain to $$ that compound nouns ace very comnon in English, A compound noun is.a two nioun phrase, but the first noun functions as an adjective that desribes the second noun eg, a bus stop, a eredit cand, Sometimes they are one word, eg sunglasses, and occasionally they ate hyphenated. a © C28) Focus on the task and play the recording for SS to repeat the compound nouns one by one. Then ask ‘SS which of the two words carries more stress (the first one). ae DI Tack 38 traf light pedestrian area boarding pass gee station parking lot rush hour car erash seat belt bike lane traflie radar parking ticket speed limit tratfie jam ticket office b @ Pur SS in pairs and tell them to answer the questions, which use the compound nouns (© Tell $$ to take turns asking the questions. Monitor ‘that SS are stressing the compound nouns correctly. 1 Ii there's time, ask a few SS for their responses, 6 LISTENING & SPEAKING 4 © Focuson the instructions and check that $$ understand all the vocabulary eg. @ ag of chips, a can of soca et. Give $5 2 few minutes to ead the article and do questions | and 2. Get some responses from the class. bb» 218) Focus om the tsk nd pay she econing for SS to amber the activities 1-6, To al suspense, yon could pause the recording jst before the expert ays which Ung isthe most dangerous, second most dangerous, etc an lc from the class wat hey thinks going to benest Check answer. 44 Find out if anyone guessed the top three correctly. Now $5 hsten for more detail, Tell $5 to read questions 1-8. Play the recording again, pausing where necessary to give SS time to write the answers. Have $5 discuss what they heard with their partner and play the recording again if necessary before checking answers 4 Finally, ask $8 ifany of the results surprised them, vans! DI Track 35 {audioscript in Student Book on page 124) T=TV host, E= expert T And this evening on Behind the Wheel we talk Brian Russo, wha isan expect on road safety. Brian, you did some tests to find out how dangerous it iso do other things when we're driving. According to your tests, what's the most dangerous thing to da? E Wal, the first thing I have to say is that doing anything else when you're driving is dangerous and can cause an accident. Because when you're driving, you should concentrate 100 percent on controlling the car and anything eise you do s a distraction ‘The tests we did in a simplator showed that the mast difficult and most dangerous thing isto try and open bag of chips or a can af soda, The reason is that most people actually need twa hands open a bag. Cf chips or 2 can of soda, so they take both hands off the wheel fora second oF two. And, of course, that’s the most dangerous thing you can possibly da. la fact, one of the drivers in the simulator actually crashed when he did this. T Oh, wow. And which isthe next most dangerous? E ‘The next most dangerous thing i to select a specific CD from the passenger seat, This is exteemely dangerous 199 because to do this you have to take your eyes off the road for one oF two seconds ‘And number three? Number three was making a phone call on a cel phone. What we foured in the tests was that drivers drove more slowly when they did this, but that theis control ofthe car gat worse. Yes, [can believe that, And aurmber four? J, © Number four was listening to your favorite music. ta the tests most drivers diove more quickly and less safely when they were listening to music they already knew. Ifthe music was fast and heavy, some drivers even drove more aggressively 1 So no heavy metal when you're driving? E Absolutely not And in fifth place? E Inf place was talking to other passengers. The problem shen we talk to other people in the car is that we pay too much attention to what we're saying hearing and not enough attention to vshat’s happentn So the least dang E Thats right. The least dangerous of a these activities ¢ listening to unfamiliar music on the radio or on a CD player. It seems that if we don’t knowthe music, shen we're less distracted by it, Ln this part of the all drivers drove safely and wel or what we on the road rous i listening to music you don't Extra support If there’ time, you could have SS listen again with the audioscript On page 124 s0 they can see exactly what they understood ’ didn’t understand, Translate j explain any row words oF phrases. do Give $$ time to read the starements to decide ifthey. agree or disagree with them and te think oftheir reasons € © Pur $$ into small groups of three or fous. Appoint proup secretary, whose job itis to read out th sentence and then invite opinions from the other $8 as well as giving his / her own opinion. ‘The secretary should also take down how many people agreed or disagreed with each statement Extra support Remind SS of expressions of agreement and disagreement (sce page 7) by eliciting them and writing them on the beard. us of ‘© Ask $8 and find out if these was a general cor agreement or disagreement an each statement, QTD ss can find a dictation and 2 Grammar quiz on all the grammar from File 2 on the MvltiROM and more grammar activities on the American English File 3 Extra photocopiable activities Grammar comparatives and superiatives paye 145 Communicative Questionnaire page 176 (instructions page Vid Vocabulary Split crossword purl page 19% instructions page 198 HOMEWORK EXILED workbook pages 20-22 Practicat ENGLISH Rad Function Making requests, asking permission Language Could you...2, Would you mind...2, Is it OK if..% Lesson plan inthe first part ofthe lesson, SS review and extend ways of| king people politely to do things and asking pecmission, This language is presented through a series of exchanges between people in the vice, In the secand part of the lesson (Social English), Mark hasa drink after work with Ben and Nicole File 3 Video, which can be used instead of the Class Audio ED for these lessons (sce Introduction page 9}. The main functional section of each episode is also on the MultiROM, with additional activities. Optional lead-in (books closed) ‘Review what happened in the previous episode by eliciting the story irom 88, e.., Who works in the MTC Pacts ofitce? Whai ave thetr jobs? What happened when Mark areved inte Paris office? What did Mark anc Allie talk about when they wert fora walk inthe evening? Do the people inthe office Know about ‘heir telationship? Do they want to keep ita seer? ‘© Also try to elicit the phrases they reviewed / learned in the first episode for introducing people, 6g. 21 me introduce you 10 the team. You could write these with, paces on the board to help SS remember. ‘# Ifyou are using the Video, you could play the previous epbode again, leaving out the "Listen and Repeat” sections REQUESTS AND PERMISSION he conversation with their h of paper (or write the questions on the board and get $$ 10 close their books). Focus on the photo and the three questions. ‘# Play the recording once all the way through. Then play it again, pausing after the answer (0 each question to $ tue to answer. Check answers. Remind $S that time off= time when you don’t have to work, b © Now have $8 look at the conversation, In pairs, they read it and see if they can guess or remember the missing words. Emphasize that they shouldn't write the words in the conversation but in pencil longside of ona separate sheet of paper © @ Play the re throu ing again for them to check. Tl the conversation lin Find ovt if SS had gue correctly, Where the their alternative also fits had at gues a CDI Tack 36 J Jacques, M = Mark, B= Ben, A = Allie, N = Nicole J Mack? Would you mind sending me those concest dates? Of course not. Ben are you busy? Met Never Could you help me? [can’t open this document Sure. Thanks, Hi, Nicol. Could you sign these, please Sure. Is: OK if [take tomorcow afiernoon off? Pim sorry; but tomorzow’s really dificult. What about Friday afternoon? Friday? That’ fine Do you think you could send me the request by e-mail? Uh, yes, of course, Hello. Hi, Mark. Could you hold a moment, Mark? ‘Thank you, Nicole. Can you come and see me when you havea moment? bee geee eeeee be e247) Now fous on the key phrases highlighted in the conversation. Play the recording, pausing after each sentence for SS to repeat. Encourage them to ccapy the rhythi and intonation. ar D1 Track 37 J Jacques, M = Mark, B= Ben, A= Allie, N= Nicole J. Would you mind sending mie those concert dates? 1M Of course nat M Could you help me? B Sure N Is it OK if Lake tomorrow afternoon off ‘A I'm sorry, but tomaztow’s vealy diffcul. A Do you think you could serd me the request by e-mail? WN Yes, of counse A ‘# Focus on the chart and the task and give $5 tise to complete the chart. Get them to do this in pairs o individually and then compare answers in pairs Check answers # Point our shat ~ The expression you use ina given situation often depends on, eg. how big favor you are asking or how well you know the person you are taking to. ~ You can slso use Gand Could! May Fe ask for permission, eg. May Luse your phone? Can you came and sce me when you have a moment? ~The verb after Would yor mind. must be the ing form. This phrase requires a negative answer, eg, {(No,} ofcourse motif you agree to the request. ~ Apart from of couse not, the other responses ean be used for all requests f permissions. ‘Tell $5 to go to Communication Requestson page 119) and focus on the task, Demonstrate if necessary. Seta tim limit, then have $8 move around the room, and talk toas many $5 as they can ALihe end you could find out who got the most $5 te help hina fhe SOCIAL ENGLISH Office gossip ae 228 Focus first on the title and cht / explain the meaning of office gossip (= tallang about ater people at work and thete personal lives). Then focus on the photo and the task. Play the recording once for $8 to answer the question, Elicit answers. 218 COI Track 38 {audinscript in Student Book en page 124) M= Mark, B— Ben, A Allie, N= Nicole Mave you started looking for an apartment? No, I haven't had time yet Anyway is best €0 get to knaw Paris frst, Yeah — isa big city. Merci Merci Merci beaucoup, Very good, Mark! Thanks. That’s nearly all the French I know! Hi, Beatrice... Yeah... just a miaute. Sorry How do you like the office? Oh, its great Aad the people? Really friendly! I like Bea a fot. He's amazing with computers. And Jacques’ realy nice guy! (Ob, Jacques, he's very charming. Bverybody likes him, And be has 2 lovely wile. She used to be a pop star whea she was young, Have you heard of Isabelle? M No, I'm sorry, F haven't IN She's very pretty. Allie is very attractive, too, M Alle? Yeah, I guess. N Although her clothes are very English, And she's very formal. You know, today, L asked if [could have a day ‘off, and she wanted me to send her an e-maill Well, the English have their anny ways, Oh yeab, O8, bello, Allie. Hi M Allie! Mi let me get you drink A Thanks. I'l have a Diet Coke™ gzezenzezezccee Zz bus Focus om sentences 1-6 and go through them quickly Then play the recording for SS to matk them T or F Play the recording again if necessary. Check answers getting SS to correct the false sentences: Extra support Ir there's time, you could have SS listen to the recording With the audiosciipt on page 124 so they can see exactly wshat they understood didn't understand. Translate explain any new words or phrases. © © (219 Now focus on the USEFUL PHRASES. Give SS a moment to try to complete them, and then play the recording to check ae D1 Wack 39 M-= Mark, B= Ben, A = Allie, N= Nicole Have you started looking for an apartment? IM avert had time yet B Justa minute IN Haw do you like the office? Have you heard of fsabelle? Let me get you a drink Thanks. Ihave a Diet Coke’ Extra idea Ask S$ ifthey can ranember who said each phrase ‘and im what context), e.- Ber sates “usta minute" when bis phone rings} d ¢ Play the recording again, pausing for $$ to repeat. Ina ‘monolingual class, you could elicit the equivalent expressions in $8'L1 HOMEWORK ETD workbook page 25 ths ge Lesson plan This second writing lesson focuses on using the past tenses practiced in File 2 tells story, and also on using common connecting expressions such ass, because and although. The vocabulary from lesson 2C (Transportation and travel) is also repeated here. There is also a “min: focus” on finding and correcting mistakes We suggest chat you do exercises a-c in class, but assign the actual writing (the last activity} for homework. If theres time, you may also want to do the planning in class. sus on the magazine article and tell the $S to read. the story once without worrying about the mistakes or the spaces. Them ask ther ifthe people caught theit flight in the end. (They did.) Put SS in pairs and set a time limit. Tell them to read the article again and correct the six underlined mistakes. Check answers, Elicit that feftis the past of {fea not fall, which is the verb here b © PurSS in the same pairs to read the text again and complete the spaces with words from the lst, Check answers © © Focus an the Useful language box and make sure SS understand all the phrases. Then give them a few rmioments to decide if they refer 10 a trip by car or plane. Check answers. WRITE about a nightmare trip Go through the instructions, Then either have $5 plan and verte thei story in class {seta time Limit of 20 minutes} or have them plan their story in dass and write at home, or assign both the planning and writing for homework Before SS hand in their stories, have them exchange them with another student co read and check for mistakes. For instructions on how to use these pages, see page 30. GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS TEXT? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE?

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