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School of Education

Lesson Planning Framework

Name: __Adam Bowering_____________ Date: November 16, 2015___Time:_11:00 am- 12:00 pm___
Grade Level: _2__________


Subject: _ Math lesson Place Value: 10s and 1s.

Provincial Curriculum Outcome (s): (e.g. Professional Standards from Discipline) Taken directly from the
curriculum document, this outcome may take more than one specific class period.

For math, Students will be expected to:

GCO: Number (N): Develop number sense
- N1: Say the number sequence, 0 to 100, by:
2s, 5s and 10s, forward and backward, using starting points that are multiples of 2, 5 and 10 respectively
10s using starting points from 1 to 9
2s starting from 1.
N4: Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
N7: Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 100.

Learning Objective(s) / Goal (s) (Big Ideas, Key Questions) written in student friendly language (i.e. I can

For the math lesson, the teacher will review the activity of addition loops. Students will be provided cards with an answer and
an addition problem (ex: I have 18, who has 2+2). Each student will participate in this activity to practice addition. Students will
notice that each time the class practices the loop, the time it takes to complete the loop is less than the last time. The next
activity involves base ten unit cubes. Students will become familiar with these unit cubes. They will be able to use rods and
cubes to count to high numbers more easily. The teacher will review vocabulary of base ten units: rods and cubes. The key
questions in this lesson include: What number do you think rods represent? How about unit cubes? How can we use rods to
count by 10s to find out what a big number is? How can we represent a specific number in different ways using rods and
cubes? Students will also be able to draw rods and cubes on their whiteboards. They will be able to draw different
representations of a number.
2. Lesson Rationale:
Why are you teaching this lesson? What is the overall purpose of this lesson?
For math, I am building on addition and counting using 10s and 1s. This will give students a strategy to count larger numbers.
What requisite skills do students need in order to access the lesson & participate fully in this lesson?
Adding and counting.
How does this lesson fit in the prescribed curriculum?
This lesson also fits into the math curriculum because it builds on counting and addition skills using manipulatives.
How does the lesson build on previous lessons or previous learning?
In the math lesson, it builds on previous counting skills and shows students how to easily count large numbers.

Materials & Resources (Teacher Materials, Student Materials etc.):

Math lesson: Addition loop cards, base ten rods and unit cubes, point of view camera, whiteboards & markers, 8 x 17 paper
for posters.

Technology Used (if appropriate): (Text, Audio, Video-based Resources, Web address, Maps, Charts etc.)
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A point of view camera that is connected to a projector will be used for the math lesson.

Learning Cycle: (Engaging Questions, Exploration, Explanation, Expansion, Evaluation)

What is the teacher doing? (This should be detailed. It is a script of

what you will be doing in the classroom.)
Engaging Questions (Motivator, Review, Warm-up)

Math lesson: The teacher will give students addition loop

cards. This is a review for the class. The teacher will begin
the activity, and students will be instructed to continue the
sequence until it comes back to the teacher. The teacher
will instruct students to move to a new spot so that they will
have a new card.
Each pair of students will be given their own cards to use.
The addition loop is completed 2 times before moving on.

What are students doing? How will students be grouped?

(Make sure students are engaged, on task and are working
harder than you. Some of the tasks you ask students to
complete should be focused on higher order thinking.)

Students will participate in the addition loop activity.

Once the loop has been completed 1 time, students
will be instructed to choose a different seat. Students
will run through the loop again with different cards.

Students will take part in the discussion of previously

learned vocabulary about base ten units.

Students will manipulate their rods and units into the

numbers that are greater than 50 provided by the
teacher. Once students finish, they will raise their
hand so their answer can be checked by the teacher.

Students will count using their base-ten rods and unit

cubes. Students will use their rods and units to build
the 2 digit number 32.
Students will draw a representation of the number 32
on their whiteboards using rods and units.

After the addition loop is completed, students will be given

base ten unit cubes and ten rods. The teacher will review
vocabulary from a previous lesson. The teacher will ask
who remembers what the long pieces are called? (Rods),
who remembers what the small pieces are called? (Units).

Exploration (Modeling)

Math: Students will be instructed to practice numbers that

are greater than 50. These numbers will be provided by the
teacher. After students have completed the example, they
will be shown the number using rods and units on the point
of view camera. Students will be able to check if they have
the appropriate amount of rods and cubes for the number
provided. The teacher will go through 2-3 examples before
moving on.

For the next part, students will be instructed to get their

whiteboards. The teacher will do an example of the number
32 on the point of view camera. The teacher will ask,
How do you think we could draw these? The teacher will
draw examples of different representations of the number
32 on the whiteboard. The teacher could relate the drawing
of rods to drawing skyscrapers in a city. When the teacher
draws >10 units on the whiteboard, the teacher could circle
the units and say what does this look like? (a ten frame).
Why is it important to think in 10s? Is it easier to group
these units together when there are 10 or more? How many
different ways could we represent the number 32?

Explanation (Knowledge Content, Supporting Learning)

The teacher will explain that grouping objects into groups of

10s and 1s helps count larger numbers. The teacher will
explain that it reduces the amount of time it takes to reach
the desired answer.
Expansion (Thinking Activities, Engage Students in Higher Order
The teacher will engage students in examples to
supplement their learning in counting with 10s and 1s using
rods and units.
The teacher will get students to create a poster and divide it
into 4 different sections. The teacher will model how to fold
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the paper to get the desired result of dividing it into 4

sections. The teacher will ask students to draw rods and
units in each section to represent a number greater than 50
in four different ways. For example, if the number is 56, the
students could draw 5 rods and 6 units in one section, 4
rods and 16 units in another section, 3 rods and 26 units in
another section, and so on.
Example Poster:

Evaluation (Closure, Reflection, Review)

Students will be provided with base ten rods and cubes.

The teacher will go around the room and check to see if
students got the right amount of rods and units for each
example provided.

When students draw rods and units on their whiteboards

and posters, the teacher will check to see if students are
drawing them appropriately. If students are drawing rods
and units too large or too small, students will be shown to
draw rods long and skinny like skyscrapers, and to draw
units like little squares.

The teacher will get students to create a poster to represent

a number greater than 50 in four different ways. The
teacher will collect these posters.


Students will create a poster that is divided into 4

different sections. Students will choose a number that
is greater than 50 and draw the appropriate amount
of rods and units in each section. Each section must
show a different representation of their number.

Students will pass in their posters to the teacher once

they have completed them. If posters are not
completed in this lesson, students will be given time
to complete them in the next math period.

Accommodation(s) for Diverse Learner(s):

Visual displays of base ten rods and cubes of different quantities (10s and 1s) will be provided by the teacher. Students will be
able to manipulate their own rods and unit cubes.

Evaluation/Assessment of Student Progress:

For math, Students will be engaged in a practice activity using addition. They will also be required to follow along using their
own rods and unit cubes with the examples being completed by the teacher. Students will be asked to create a poster to
demonstrate different ways of representing a number greater than 50.

Home Learning Assignment (if applicable):


Lesson Plan Reflection:


Preparation and Research Was I well prepared? What could I have done differently?
Written Plan Was I organized? What did I learn that will help me in the future?
Presentation Were the students involved? Was I clear in my presentation? How was the pacing?

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Assessment What did the class do? How do I know if they were successful? What should I change for
next time?

St. Thomas University - School of Education

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