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Biol 1050 Zoology Reflection Prompt:

When you reflect on the experience of writing your signature assignment for this class, I want
you to think about how your experience in class (and lab) informed the process of writing this
paper. For example, you should now have a greater appreciation for the evolutionary process,
adaptation, and the genealogical relatedness of all life. Did this knowledge help or change how
you researched your topic? Did it give you a greater appreciation for the role your chosen taxon
plays in the larger community and ecosystem?
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this research paper. I have always loved animals and
enjoyed learning about them. The class itself, did not affect what animal I would be doing my
paper on. My family and I went to see In the Heart of the Sea shortly after it was released to
theaters. I was shocked by what the movie presented and wanted to know more about whaling
and sperm whales all together. After the paper was assigned I knew I wanted to learn more about
sperm whales. The class did affect how interested I was in the paper. Because of the
requirements such as basic facts and then how human beings effect or how they have affected
these animals, I did realize how much power we hold as species. Human beings are brilliant and
inventive. However, many of our innovations have created stress upon animals and their
ecosystems. I almost feel as though we have a responsibility to take care of the rest of the animal
kingdom because we have the power and resources to. This paper gave me more perspective on
the diversity and uniqueness of animals. After going through the animal kingdom, even though
we barely scratched the surface, Im amazed at the development and adaptation that has occurred
over millions of years. Animals are truly incredible organisms.

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