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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Name: Stephanie Pieper
Lesson Title: You Are What You See
Date: March 29, 2016
Grade Level: Pre-K
Circle one:
Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
Motor Development
Large Muscle: Balance and Coordination
Use non-locomotor skills with control, balance and coordination during active play.


Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics

Measurement and Data
Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes
Describe and compare objects using measurable attributes (e.g., length, size, capacity and weight).
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: We have talked about water, the characteristics of water, and where we find it in real life with our previous lessons.
Instructional Objectives (1-2)

Assessment of Student Learning

One/Two Assessed Instructional

Objective(s): The student will be
able to...

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data

to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

Students will be able to act like

they are water, moving their body

I will keep track of who can pour water from one container
to another without my help, by keeping a checklist of their
names and then the action. On another sheet I will have a
checklist of names and then which students are aware that
both containers have the same amount of water after
seeing it being poured.

Students will be able to compare

the containers of water and
express their thoughts.
One Assessed Developmental

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)

Learning Experience
Academic Language:
More, less, empty, full
Procedural steps:
I will work with the students in pairs or individually so they are
not so easily distracted. I will have two containers that are
different sizes, and two cups full of water that are the same
size and have the same amount of water. I will ask the
student to pour one cup in one container, and then the other
in the other empty container. I will ask them which container
has more water, and then keep a check list of who says what,
or if they say they have the same amount, even if they dont
look like it. The next thing I will have them do is pretend like
they are water, and then move their body like they were
water. Why did they move that way? I will also keep a list of
students names and verbatim what they say.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

I will make the evidence into an easy to read bar graph to
keep with my files.
Safety Considerations:
Be aware that if water spills on the
ground to clean it up so that no
one slips.

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

-Two empty container of different sizes
-Two cups of water that are the same size and have the same
water amount.
Adult Roles:
Facilitating the lessons, explaining the directions, keeping a


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
checklist, being prepared for spills with paper towels on hand.

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
By keeping the checklists and writing verbatim what the kids have to say about water, I can understand where they are developmentally. By doing this formative
assessment I can adapt my teaching and lessons in the future for what the kids are ready for next. For students who are gifted, I will have them give me two or
three examples of how to move like water does, and have them explain why, instead of only doing one. For students who need extra help, I will pour the cups of
water for them, and only have them answer my direct questions.

***I have not had a chance to implement this lesson. I plan on doing it this Thursday or the next***

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