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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan
Name: Briana Lapetina
Lesson Title:
Date: 4/3/16
Grade Level: Pre-k
Circle one:
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Motor Development: Regulates reactions to external sensory stimulants. Cognition and General Knowledge: Make careful
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: The hook activity that was implemented already. (KWL chart about water and its properties/characteristics)
Instructional Objectives (1-2)
One/Two Assessed Instructional
Objective(s): The student will be
able to...
1. The student will be able to
make careful observations
during this activity.
2. The student will be able to
identify a property of water
once completing this

Assessment of Student Learning

Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data
to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and

Academic Language:

I will have a chart that I will fill out as the students are
completing this activity. The chart will take note if the
students were making observations during this activity (I will
ask them to tell me something they observed if they do not
do this on their own) and if they can tell me a property of
water they learned (water can be absorbed).

Procedural steps:

One Assessed Developmental

With modeling and support, follow
typical patterns when
communicating with others (e.g.,
listen to others, take turns talking
and speaking about the topic or
text being discussed)
Safety Considerations:
The water and food coloring mix
are not drunk at all during this

Learning Experience

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile

your evidence into a class or group view?)
This activity will be done in small groups of 3 or 4 and will
be done at one of classrooms centers for the day. Smaller
groups will allow this activity to be monitored to its fullest
potential and to be able to get enough evidence.

Water, rain, absorb, porous.

Before implementing this activity there will be a hook activity

done for the students pre-assessment of their current
knowledge about water.
This activity will be a part of the classrooms centers/stations,
this way it can be implemented in small groups. Before the
activity begins the students will see on the table all the
materials. Before we start the activity I will show the students
the sponge. I will explain to them that it is porous and explain
to them what that means and tell them about water
absorption. Then after I explain that the activity will be
implemented to show them what I mean. The mason jar will
have a little bit of water in it at the bottom. Then, the sponge
will be put at the top of the mason jar to cover it. There will
be a cup with water and food coloring mixed. They will then
be able to pour the food coloring/water mixture on the
sponge. They have to do this slowly. After a certain point,
the sponge will not be able to absorb the water anymore, so it
will start to rain. This can keep going until the jar is full.


Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

1. Mason jar full of
2. Cup or bottle full of water
3. Blue food coloring
4. A sponge
Adult Roles:
One adult facilitating activity and recording data. Another
adult can be making overall observations while this activity is
being implemented.

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)
*This lesson was not implemented

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