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Cinder is a teenage female cyborg who you would think is all about the ball and
finding the perfect dress, but honestly shes nothing like that. Shes a 15 year old
mechanic living in New Beijing with her legal guardian, Linh Adri, and her
stepsisters, Pearl and Peony. While meeting Prince Kai is every girls dream, Cinder
meets him personally.

Just Imagine.
Your grandma is missing, people think you are crazy, and there is a lunar cyborg
female fugitive. Theres a lot going on in the world. Well, thats exactly what Scarlet
is facing. The 16 year old was left to run the family farm by herself when she found
out her grand-mer went missing 2 weeks ago and on top of that shes been called
crazy because shes defended the cyborg fugitive whos seemed to have caused an
uproar between Luna and Earth. She has called the police to report her missing
grandma but when Scarlet gets a message back, it isnt nice one.
Comm Received for mademoiselle Scarlet Benoit from the Toulouse law
enforcement department of missing persons.
28 Aug 126 t.e.
Re: case id #aig00155819, filed 11 aug 126 t.e.
This communication is to inform scarlet benoit of rieux, France, ef, that as of 15:42
on 28 aug 126 the case of missing person[s] Michelle Benoit of rieux, France, ef, has
been dismissed due to lack of sufficient evidence of violence or nonspecific foul
play. Conjecture: person[s] left of own free will and/or suicide.
Cased closed
We thank you for your patronage of our detective services.

Ouch right? Well Stubborn Scarlet refuse to let the words, Cased closed, laugh up at
her. While on her quest, she met a street fighter. Wolf might be his name, but his
personality says otherwise. They travel to Paris looking for her grand-mere, but in
the process she stumbles upon a situation no child ever wants to witness. But is
Wolf really who he say he is? Is it true that hes working for a queen who planning to

have Earth for herself? And what happens when Queen Levanna decides its a fine
time to attack? Will she meet the missing Princess Selene, the fugitive Linh Cinder,
or will she meet both at the same time?

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