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Major Page

My current major is Physical Education with a minor in Recreational sports management. I am

a very planned out person so I already have set my self goals for future jobs. Whether they work
out or not here are some of the job opportunities I will be seeking; At first I want to teach P.E at
a local school in Horry County as well as coaching a football team. After about 5 years or more
of experience teaching and coaching I plan on getting a degree in Recreational Sports
Management and becoming an Athletic Director. The reason I strive to become an Athletic
Director is because they make a significantly higher salary. Eventually after that when I'm most
likely going to be 50+ in age I want to become a college football coach and retire one day doing
what I truly love the most. There were many teachers who made me inspired to reach these goals
but specifically the one teacher I can credit most of my motivation to is Dr. Richmond. She
taught a diversity in education class to me this semester. I learned so much from that class that
it made me change my mind about changing majors completely. I learned so many different
tools that I can implement in the classroom and effect so many students lives. I am extremely
excited to graduate an education major and see where this road takes me.

Department of Education Homepage:

Education. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 May

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