Sett Model

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Connie S.

March 17, 2016
DB Q2-SETT Model
Part 1: Consideration of Student Need
STUDENT: Jacob B. 6th grade
PERSPECTIVE: Reading comprehension and writing
Jacob B., is a 6th grade male
student. He has never been tested
for resource. He is not on an IEP
and has never been the focus of an
SST or an AST.
According to his CUM, his hearing
and vision are both good.
Jacob is very unorganized and very
forgetful and rarely does any
homework in any subject area.
Area of concern is Jacobs low
reading level and his inability to
comprehend what he is reading; his
inability to write at grade-level.
Jacobs current abilities are below
grade level in all subject areas.
However, he is able to express his
ideas and opinions verbally. Jacob
is outgoing, friendly, and loves his
San Francisco Giants.

Jacob spends the majority of his
school day in general education
classes. However, he is in a core
replacement class for ELA. This
program is for students that are
reading 2 grade levels below. The
program used by my district is
Inside program. In addition, Jacob
has a homeroom teacher (me)
where he receives instruction in
social studies and science; he
rotates to another 6th grade teacher
for math. All of our classrooms
have tables, not desks, therefore
Jacob is always seated in a small
group of 4 students. In all of his
rotations, he is seated near the front
of the room.
Every classroom is equipped with
chromebooks, a projector or Apple
TV. At this point, because Jacob
has never been tested and is not on
an IEP, there are no expectations
for modifications or any particular

As stated previously, Jacob is NOT
on an IEP at this time. The process
is just beginning. However, as his
homeroom teacher I am moving
forward with a few objectives/tasks
in my own classroom.
Science: we use Discovery
Education tech books. One
component of this tech book is a
text reader. I want to implement the
usage of this function for Jacob. He
may listen to the textbook being
read to him, as well as any passages
I may assign from the tech book.
Social Studies: at this point I dont
have much to choose from,
however, I will look into Read-ToGo and Learning Ally apps.
Perhaps we can find our social
studies textbook.
Allow Jacob to record his thoughts
using a chromebook; then he may
transcribe his thoughts into concise,
coherent writing pieces.
Instead of writing down
assignments in his planner, allow
Jacob to take a picture of the
assignments; homework.

PART 2: Assistive Technology Solution

Jacob will be encouraged to use the Read Text feature of our science tech book. He will be encouraged to
record his notes, essays, paragraphs and then transcribe them using Google docs and a chromebook or iPad.
Jacob will be encouraged to use his cell phone to take pictures of daily assignments instead of writing them
down in his daily planner.

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