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Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX goal setting plan

Pre-service teacher name: Stephanie Todd

Unit: EDFX






What do you want to

accomplish in terms of
developing your professional
knowledge, practices, or

How will you know you have

accomplished your goal?
What evidence will you collect
and analyse?

What steps/actions will you

take to attain your goal?

Why is this goal important for

your career as a teacher?

When will you achieve this goal

during this placement?

Standard 4:
I wish to develop my
behaviour management
strategies. In controlling the
whole class and keeping
each child focused on their

I will know I have

accomplished my goal when
the class is settled and
paying attention to me.

I will use the behaviour

management strategies my
associate teacher uses, to
ensure I can keep the
students behaviour under

This is important for my

career as a teacher, as I need
to have strategies to manage
challenging behaviours of
future students I will teach.

I hope to achieve this goal

throughout the lesson I teach,
using my associate teachers
management strategies.

Standard 1:
I hope to accomplish my
ability to cater for the needs
of all students, teaching
appropriate content that
meets the needs of every

I will know I have

accomplished my goal when
all students can successfully
complete the tasks while
being challenged. I will
collect students work
samples to analyse.

I will get to know all

students unique abilities and
use enabling and extending
prompts to support all
students needs.

It is important to get to know

each of your students needs
and abilities to be able to
best support their learning.

Though analysing students

work samples and observing
students while they work
will allow me to achieve this
goal during placement.

Standard 5:
I hope to develop my
assessment strategies to
allow me to create
appropriate lessons to
support the student needs.

I will use the assessment

templates I have been given
and collect evidence through
work samples and
observations to assess the

I will use the assessment

templates as well as other
forms of assessment during
all the lessons I run to
support the students I am
assessing in future lessons.

It is important to learn how

to correctly assess students
to ensure you are meeting all
students needs.

I will achieve this goal as I

plan and implement my
lessons over my placement.

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