April 5th Lesson Plan Crosby Observation

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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: _ Yan Liang______________________________

Level: _Int. Conversation AM_____
Date/Time: __April 5th_______
Students can use appropriate adjectives to describe and talk about where they live.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To talk about where they live, such as
1. describing a neighborhood
2. whats in a neighborhood
3. who lives in the neighborhood
4. consider different factors in choosing a place to live in
Theme: __The neighborhood_______________________________________
Extensions: _____There be/past progressive/present progressive___________________
Review or
Preview (if

Activity 1:
How to talk
about where you

Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:
Last class, we talked about transitions and how to
explain how something works. Today we are going
to learn how to talk about where you live. Next
class, we will talk about places and people.
Todays agenda and goals are: You can use
appropriate adjectives to describe and talk about
where you live.
We will learn:
1. describing a neighborhood
2. whats in a neighborhood
3. who lives in the neighborhood
4. factors you care about the most in choosing a
place to live in

Interaction Time Self-Reflections


1.1 Pre-Stage:
When you move to a new place, there will be a
new neighborhood, you will find it quite different SS-SS
from your prior neighborhood. Right?
What is neighborhood? (on ppt)
It refers to the region around you, a district
especially one forming a community within a town
or city. Please look at the following three pictures.
You can feel the differences among them.
I know most of you moved from your home country
to New York.
What is your first impression of your current



I will never ask

students to
guess what the
topic is for
today as it is so
unrelated and
has nothing to
do with the

I will ask them

to bring out
their own
pictures or
search on the
internet about
they are living
in now, so that
they will have a

Please discuss with your partners first. I will give

you 3 minutes.
[students discuss---3mins]
Ok, do you like your current neighborhood? Why
and why not?
[students share opinions]
Now please think about---write on posters:
1. Please try to use some adjectives to describe
your neighborhood.
- Students: friendly, nice, quiet, suburban, urban,
safe, etc.
- Its a(n) + adjective + neighborhood.
Youll find it to be (very) + adjective
Id describe it as + adjective
2. Whats in your neighborhood?
For example: Do you have a church or a store in
your neighborhood?
3. And who lives in your neighborhood?
For example: You will find many elder people living
around. Some working-class/low-income people.
After discussion, as we have two posters on the
wall, please write down your answers on the poster.
One is about things. The other is about people.
Each of you will have a marker on the table. You
can write same answers on the poster, but try to
come up with something different.
Now, please look at the two posters on the wall.
THINGS: We have [students examples]. [Teacher
may add:] Library, university, school, coffee shop,
green space, bakery, etc.
--- when you are describing what things in a place,
do you realize that you always use the same
sentence structure? That is: There is a/are lots
PEOPLE: We have [students answers]. Retired
people, elderly people, working-class people,
middle-class people, lower-income people,
students, professionals.
--- What sentence structure would you use? Yes,
There are a lot of/few/many + noun.
There are both + noun and + noun.
Now please look at the sentence on the ppt, what
tense is used in this sentence?
If we describe things is happening in the past at a
particular moment, we use past progressive tense.
Now please describe the place you were living in
five years ago, and the place you are currently
living in.
Compare the two. Which one do you like better and

and in this way
class can be
interesting and


They will find it

hard to use
these new
words on the
I think the
video they have
watched has
nothing to do
with the
neighborhood I
just mentioned
earlier. Next
time, I will
come up with
some questions
about the video.
Students can
answer me after

Students can watch if have enough time:
1.2. During Stage:
Based on what we have discussed, now lets have a
[Teacher distributes worksheets]
1. If you could have exactly four places within
walking distance of where you live, which
places would you choose?
2. What are four adjectives that would describe
Transition to #2:
your ideal neighborhood?
We talked about 3. Name four adjectives that describe a
the ideal places
neighborhood you wouldnt care to live in.
you want to live 4. Name four kinds of people youd enjoy having
in, now what
as neighbors.
factors would
After you have finished, please compare your
you consider
answers with your classmates. Take note of which
most in making
of your answers are similar and which ones are
the decision__
Please now stand up and try to ask as many people
as possible.


watching the
15mi video so that
they can focus
on the video
and practice
English after
watching the


1.3 Post-Stage:
Teacher will ask students to talk about their
To see if they can correctly use the sentence
structure and vocabulary they newly acquired.

Try to ask more

interesting and
questions in
order to
connect the
topic with their
daily life. They
can really use
what they have
learned and
apply what they
have learned
when they

Tangible Outcome & Assessment: By assessing

through students own descriptions.
Activity 2:
What I care
about most

2.1 Pre-Stage:
Now we have a list of factors that would be the
most important to you in choosing a neighborhood SS-SS
to live in. But before I give you all the cards, please
first think and come up with some factors that you
think would be the most important to you in
choosing a neighborhood to live in. Think about
when you choose your current house or a place you
lived in before, what factors you cared about the


[Students will discuss about two minutes. Teacher

try to elicit more.]
2.2. During Stage:
Please work with a different partner and try to put
them in order according to the importance you
think, from the most important to the least



I will go over
the vocabulary
that may seem
unfamiliar to
them first, then
let them discuss
their own
Divide them
into two groups
and then let
them compare
with each other
if they have the
same thoughts
or if they are
disagree with


Transition to
#3:_We are all
living in New
York. Please try
to find out each
characteristics of
When you are
free, you can
take a walk and
enjoy the day.__

the other group

and explain
why for the
whole class.

Talk about the factors that would be the most

important to you in choosing a neighborhood to live
in, and why.
I wouldnt care much about access to public
transportation because Ive got a car. But if I were
older and didnt want to drive anymore, Id want to
be near a bus line.
The teacher will try to explain the ones they may
have questions.
Now you will have ten minutes to discuss and order
them. After discussion, one of you will tell and
explain your ordering.
2.3 Post-Stage:
Students will present their orderings, if possible,
stand up to give opinions.


Tangible Outcome & Assessment:

Through in-class present their discussion outcomes,
they can synthesize and weigh things, make
decisions, etc.

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

Please try to search the internet and find out the
characteristics and living atmosphere of
Manhattan. Different parts of Manhattan, such as
Upper East, Upper West, midtown, downtown, etc.


Materials: posters, markers, chalk, blackboard.

Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
Students will give them in-class discussion topics. And ask their takeaways from this class. Ask them to prepare
for the final presentation.
Post-Lesson Reflections:

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