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A Term Paper
Submitted to the
Faculty of the Graduate School
University of the East, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course
Advanced E-Commerce

Researchers Name




Give the reader a background of the topic.

Inform the reader what studies that were already conducted.
Discuss what is not yet done.
Discuss the purpose/motivation/rationale of doing the study.
Finally, state the Statement of the Problems/Objectives of the Study.
Length of Introduction: One to two pages.

II. Literature Review

Discuss all important studies that will backup your present study.
Five to ten recent journal articles will do.
III. Methodology
A. Research Design, Locale, and Subjects
Locale is the location where the study is conducted.
Subjects are the respondents/participants of the study.
Selection of the subjects must be logical.
Always ask why are we choosing them [the respondents] and why we are selecting this
B. Sample Size and Sampling Design
Sample size: If there is a determined population, use Slovens Formula.
n = N/(1 + Ne2)
where: n = sample size
N = population
e = 0.05

Random Sampling should be employed.

C. Research Instrument and Data-Gathering Procedure
The Research Instrument section allows you to discuss all instruments you use to gather data.
Data-Gathering Procedure enlists the steps undertaken in collecting data.
It would be better if you can provide tokens (in any form, but do not give cash) to the
participants. This will increase the reliability of the responses. But again, tokens are
State that they will receive tokens before giving the questionnaire.
D. Statistical Tools Used
Discuss all the statistical analysis you employed.
IV. Results and Discussion
Present the findings (tables, figures, etc.)
Discuss the findings one to two paragraphs of the findings.
V. Bibliography
Follow APA format, 6th edition.


Use Arial font style with 11 font size

Double space
Use short bond paper.
Margin of the paper: 1 inch all sides
Data should be encoded in MS Excel.
Softcopy of the data will also be submitted to

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