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PST Meeting

I attended a PST meeting for the first grade group. I really enjoy attending these
meetings, because they give me a glimpse into my future as a teacher. I see the
importance of collaboration and teamwork. The teachers meet to discuss action plans for
students to see how they should move forward in intervention. At the last PST meeting,
we discussed PNOAs. This time, we met with the Title One team and the math coach. We
discussed the progress of students who are in intervention.
I learned about the forms that teachers gave the parents of students for progress
monitoring. I attached a picture of this. Teachers mark the progress and the next steps for
the student. I see how teachers must update the parents. Teachers give this to parents
when they place a student in intervention for reading, math or, or behavior.
The most interesting part of this meeting was a glimpse at tier two behavior. I was
unaware of behavior intervention before this meeting, but I saw how teachers deal with
this type of intervention. Several teachers needed behavior intervention, but they did not
know what this would entail. The counselor was not there to give more information, but
the administration began planning ways to incorporate this behavior intervention. There
was uncertainty regarding how this intervention would occur in the classroom. Some
teachers were unsure if a behavior contract would work with specific students, so they
worried about what they will do with this behavior intervention! This made me really
empathize with them, because I know it can be hard to be unsure of their next plan of
Overall, realized some problems with intervention. Nothing is perfect, and
intervention can always improve. I see the importance of collaboration between teachers

and administration to check the effectiveness of the intervention. The administration and
the teachers will work together to see how to best address these issues with behavior
intervention. This was such an eye-opening meeting, and I feel that I really learned more
behind the scenes of a school.

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