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ENGL 3060 Business and Professional Writing

Unit 4: Human
Resources Group
Aerotek HR/Staffing Coordinator

Team Giggles
Kerry Cornelius
Kiarah Holloway
Faisal Khamis
Sarah Smith
Will Trice
May 5, 2016

Team Giggles 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Job Selection ................................................................................................................................... 2
Resumes and Cover Letters ............................................................................................................ 2
Social Media Analyses .................................................................................................................... 3
Interview Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 3
Interview ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Candidate Selection ........................................................................................................................ 4
Letters ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Rejection Letter ........................................................................................................................... 6
Recommendation to CEO ........................................................................................................... 7
Offer Letter ................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Team Giggles 2

Our group was randomly selected to collaborate and complete the HR project for Unit 4. We
(Kerry Cornelius, Kiarah Holloway, Faisal Khamis, Sarah Smith, and Will Trice) were
introduced to one another and selected a job posting. We collectively decided to pursue the
Human Resources (HR) Staffing Coordinator position posted by Aerotek. Together, we felt that
the HR Staffing Coordinator position gave each of us an equal chance of being selected for the
job because the job position described many skills each of us already possessed. We meet a few
times as a group to discuss resumes, cover letters, and interview questions. We determined that,
after interviews were complete, the job selection process would be done by blind vote and the
most qualified candidate in our own opinions would be selected for the job. We conducted peer
interviews together and social media analyses on our own. As a group, we delegated
responsibilities for each section of the project, allowing each team member to equally contribute
to the project as a whole. We came together to complete this endeavor and to succeed as a group.

Job Selection
We carefully reviewed all the possible job postings individually. None of the team members
were interested in the medical assistant or vault clerk positions. Each member of the group voted
and we unanimously decided to select the Human Resources/Staffing Coordinator position with
Aerotek. Each of us felt that each team member had equal standing to obtain the position because
each of us had some measure of applicable previous experience (e.g. supervisory skills,
communication skills). Also, each member of the team decided the job posting entailed
something of interest that each may pursue as a career. The company to which we were applying,
Aerotek, is a leader in its respective industry and we felt that organization would be the best fit
for any one of our team members.

Resumes and Cover Letters

We met as a group in the library on Tuesday April 12, 2016 and Thursday, April 14, 2016 to
discuss cover letters, resumes, interview questions, and project requirements. We exchanged our
individual cover letters and resumes for review by the other team members. During this review
process we looked over each applicants experiences to see how qualified each team member
was for the position. Next we looked over his or her qualifications, weighed direct and indirect
experience, and determined individually how well each particular applicant would fit in the
company. For example, several of us noticed that Sarahs resume reflected years of experience
in the Air Force. She had military experience and great computer skills which put her ahead of
the rest the applicants.
After the review process we determined that all of the applicants had enough experience to be
qualified for the Human Resources/Staffing Coordinator position. Each of the applicants had
very good education and experience. As a committee we decided that going further through the
hiring process would surely help us understand each applicant better and determine if he or she is
a suitable fit for the position.

Team Giggles 3

Social Media Analyses

A social media background check is an essential part of the Human Resource process.
Investigations of a job candidates social media usage can provide clues about personality and
work ethic that help hiring committees select who to hire and who to reject for a job. With these
checks, a hiring committee can differentiate potential benefits from potential detriments to the
workforce by some certain clues. For example, some negatives they look for include insensitive
jokes or rants; pictures or statuses of drinking, doing drugs, having sex (including videos); and
personal social media usage while on company time or while committing truancy for whatever
reason. Some social media positives include a strong professional image, general image
consciousness, construction of a profile as it would appeal to an employer, a separate business
page, or a LinkedIn profile.
For part of our group project, we conducted social media background checks on each other. Our
findings were surprisingly minimal. Kerry had no social media. Obviously, a potential employer
would not find any negatives this way but the lack of a social presence may seem odd. Faisal
was equally difficult to find. A few Faisal Khamis people were found but none could be
determined to be our Faisal Khamis. Kiarah, Sarah, and Will had very minimal Facebook
profiles. Sarah had a LinkedIn profile that was very professional. Otherwise, none of us had
much of a social media presence, professional or otherwise. We agreed that we would not turn
our paper findings in to each other but rather give the general results.

Interview Preparation
To prepare for the interviews, we first needed to choose our interview questions. We began by
discussing interviews that we had been in and infamous interviews and interview questions that
we had heard rumors of. We researched popular interview questions and analyzed the position
description and job qualifications for our selected job to guide our question selection. At the end
of our second out-of-class meeting, we had a list of 10 questions that we planned to use for the
When I call your previous supervisor for a reference, what do you suppose he/she will
say about your performance?
Share a specific time when you encountered a problem client. Why was the client upset
and/or dissatisfied? How did you handle the situation?
What is conflict resolution to you?
When did you have to administer disciplinary action to a coworker?
Would your previous employer hire you again?
Describe an incident that taught you something about yourself.
What interests you about our company?
Will you consent to a social media analysis?
We conduct background checks. Is there anything in your past you would like to tell us
Tell me about yourself. What do you do in your spare time?

Team Giggles 4
Our selection was intended to determine if the candidate was familiar with company, if the
candidate knew what information was on his or her resume, and how the candidate, who may
have lacked the specific job requirements, might approach certain situations. We further trimmed
the list when we learned that we were limited to five regular questions and one oddball question.
Because we believed the oddball question to be somewhat arbitrary (in that it had no discernable
or preferred answer), we considered a few options and then arbitrarily selected one. Our final list
of questions was:
What qualifies you for this position?
What interests you about our company or this job?
Describe an incident that taught you something about yourself.
What is conflict resolution to you?
Share a specific time when you encountered a problem client. Why was the client upset
and/or dissatisfied? How did you handle the situation?
What vehicle would you be?
To prepare for our actual interviews, we re-familiarized ourselves with our resumes, researched
the company, and decided how we would answer the questions. Because we already knew what
the questions were (which we understand is not how it will usually happen in real life), we were

Before the interview process, we decided on the interview questions. After making the final
decision about the interview questions, we collectively decided on the order in which each
person would be interviewed. The interview order was Kerry Cornelius, Kiarah Holloway, Faisal
Khamis, Sarah Smith, and Will Trice. However, Kerry Cornelius had a family emergency; we
rescheduled his interview, and he was the last person to be interviewed. For each interviewee, we
asked six questions. Each question was asked in the same order and by the same person, except
when that person was being interviewed. Each interviewer took separate notes for each
interview. We each used our own notes to help decide who would be offered the position as the
Human Resource/Staffing Coordinator at Aerotek. During the interview, each interviewer
expected the questions to be answered in a way that showed how qualified the interviewee was
for the position. For example, when the interviewee was asked to describe an incident that taught
him or her something about himself or herself, the interviewers were looking for answers that
showed the different work related skills of the interviewee. A great example of this is Kerry
Cornelius answer. He explained how deployment taught him about hard work because he was in
charge of several people and ensuring their operations ran smoothly.

Candidate Selection
After all interviews were complete, we each took a few moments to review our notes and other
documentation (cover letters, resumes, and social media analyses) to narrow our selection. We
performed a blind vote wherein each team member selected two candidates for the position. With
the options narrowed, we voted again and Sarah Smith was selected for the Human

Team Giggles 5
Resource/Staffing Coordinator position at Aerotek.

Instead of writing the offer letter, the rejection letters, and the recommendation to the chief
executive officer (CEO) letter as group, we decided to have three people from the group write
the letters. After the letters were written, the group would review and edit them together. We
decided that Kiarah Holloway would write the offer letter, Sarah Smith would write the
individual rejection letters to each non-selected group member, and Kerry Cornelius would write
the letter of recommendation to the CEO. We discussed the formatting of our letters. This
included the font and font size of the text, what we would include in our letterhead, who would
be the addressors, and what we would use for a watermark.

Team Giggles 6

Rejection Letter

Team Giggles 7

Recommendation to CEO

Team Giggles 8

Offer Letter

Team Giggles 9

As a group we came together and succeeded in completing our project. Each team member
contributed equally to the teams success. We were introduced to one another and developed a
working relationship quickly. As a group, we delegated workloads and assigned sections to
complete to each team member. This kept everyone involved and ensured that our work was
completed. We decided to pursue the Staffing Coordinator position with Aerotek because we
each had equal footing to get the job. Collectively, we analyzed everyones information
(including cover letters, resumes, social media presences and profiles, and interview responses)
and selected a candidate. We worked together to write our post-interview letters and develop our
final reports. Our collaboration resulted in producing one piece of work that outlined our process
in completing this project for Unit 4.

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