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English 2XL / Shakely / 9.


PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Theater / Lyric / Photo

Date 10/27

Title Richard


Author / Director / Poet / Lyricist, etc. (if known)

Edwin Arlington Robinson

Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read . . . Variety of Sources, please, vis-a-vis Google Images only)

Found on 5 Poetry on the AP Exam handout,

Content / CD / Summary (Say? Plot? Setting / Situation? Key lines / Phrases, Scenes, etc? )

Richard Cory tells the story of a successful man who was loved by everyone in his town. The people
around around him envied him and treated him as a role model. He seemed to have a marvelous life,
however, one day he ended his own life. Everyone wanted to be Richard Cory, but he wanted to be
something else.
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?

The theme of this poem is we cannot judge people by how they seem. Sometimes those with the biggest
smile are the ones crying inside. People should not be judged by what they have or who they seem to be,
rather people should be judged by who they really are as a person. Robinson wants his audience to take
notice of the people around us who might seem happy, but are filled with sorrow.

Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?) This section MUST be filled out for poems taken from the AP Poetry
packet provided prior to first library visit.

The protagonist of the poem, Richard Cory, symbolizes the many people in the world, that put on the fake
smile but secretly cries inside everyday. The diction of the poem is set up to make the audience believe
Richard Cory is immortal, but in reality he is a miserable human.

Commentary: Why like? Poetic Traits? Relevance / Connections / Allusions (Lit, Bib, Myth, Histor, Other) / Relevance
to personal experience, 20Qs? etc.)?

The poem is relevant to our everyday lives, because there are many people all around us that seen happy, but
have personal issues that they cant express. For instance, last year a student at Christian Brothers High
School committed suicide. The people around him were completely surprised, because he seemed happy, but
he probably had personal issues that he kept to himself.


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