Professional Devlopment Plan

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School Professional Development Plan

1: Professional Learning Goals



Provide more consistent and
Teacher differentiated instruction for special
Candidacy learners (particular students on IEPs and
struggling students).

Students with IEPs
and who struggle
with the content

Find ways and strategies to differentiate Students when
Teacher the rather dry direct instruction (EX:
undergoing direct
Candidacy PowerPoints) that often accompanies
and is quite necessary for the Social
Studies field.

Rationale/Sources of Evidence
The average grades of students with IEPs and who historically
struggled with Social Studies is considerably much lower than past
quarters under my instruction and grading. I can deduce that this
may be occurring because of my lacking of experience in dealing
with students with IEPs or similar accommodative needs.
Data shows that direct and teacher-focused instruction methods
are some of the least effective in terms of student engagement
and the overall success of information encoded when later
assessed. However, since this method is often easier and quicker,
it is often utilized.

2: Professional Learning Activities

PL Goal
I will:


Initial Activities

Initiate a conference with the

Special Education director, my
cooperating teacher, other
aides, and the particular
students (where applicable) to
discuss the capabilities,
expectations, and differences
that need to be made to better
accommodate special learners.
Research techniques that other
teachers have utilized in similar
situations in their own

Follow-up Activities
(as appropriate)
I will:

Regularly discuss methods that have worked effectively

and ones that have fallen flat with Special Education
Aides, my cooperating teacher, and the students
themselves where applicable.
Implement new strategies regularly that reflect careful
consideration of the specifics discussed with other
professionals and information gathered from reputable
Carefully analyze student assessments for concrete data
of the effectiveness of new strategies.

Professional Development Plan is based on template created by the Indiana Department of Education

classrooms with similar

I will:


Observe other teachers

methods of direct instruction
and take note of methods that
work and ones to avoid.
Research some techniques that
have effectively worked for
other teachers in the Social
Studies field.

I will:

Share my findings with colleagues to better aid the

success of students across content areas.
Discuss the techniques I view with colleagues and ask the
rationale behind their implementation. Make sure I gather
all aspects of the method behind the implementation of
this technique to assess whether it would be effective in
my classroom.
Implement varying and new strategies to assess which are
the most effective and cohesive with my teaching style.
Regularly ask for student feedback and suggestions to
improve my teaching methods.
Analyze formative and summative assessments
systematically to determine which methods are truly
providing precise results.

3: Essential Resources
PL Goal


Time to plan a conference to

discuss goals, changes, and
understanding of the needs of
diverse learners.
Time to find, assess, and
implement new research-based
differentiation techniques.
Funding for the purchase of
books, internet subscriptions,
and necessary supplies.
Funding for professional
development seminars such as
university classes or

Other Implementation Considerations

Special Education Director, Cooperating Teacher, other

Aides, and possibly the students must have adequate time
and willingness to provide instruction and suggestions for
professional growth.
This plan will fall short without a specific proposal to
regularly assess, analyze, and present subsequent


Time to research various ways

to spice-up direct instruction.
Access to a student group that
could be utilized to assess the
success of various teaching
Funding for the purchase of
books, internet subscriptions,
and necessary supplies.
Funding for professional
development seminars such as
university classes or

A classroom with students who are willing to provide

specific feedback and receive various methods of
instruction (sometimes instruction that will not work)
must be present and agreeable.
This plan will fall short without a specific proposal to
regularly assess, analyze, and present subsequent

4: Progress Summary
PL Goal

Notes on Plan Implementation

The Special Education Director,

Cooperating Teacher, other
Aides, and most importantly
the students of focusreport
noticeable improvement in
terms of effective methods
utilized, attention to providing
help, and overall better student
I will provide a short summary
or design a plan for future
methods of instruction,
assignment modifications, and
necessary student approaches
for my own reference during the
rest of the year but also for use

Notes on Goal
Students with IEPs or who historically struggled in Social
Studies grades improved from ___ to _____%.
Observations of student engagement and understanding
improved in ____ of _____ students. _____ of ______
students reported increased levels understanding,
satisfaction, and feelings that their needs were being met.

by colleagues and future


I will provide a self-assessment

of my observed best practices
for providing effective direct
instruction that increases
student engagement and
I will analyze student feedback
of the methods they found the
most effective and compile this
information into a more
cohesive and quantitative
assessment of best practices.

Student grades on formative assessments precisely from

direct instruction improved from _____ to ______%.
_____ in ______ students reported increased levels of
engagement and a more complete sense of understanding
when undergoing direct instruction.

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