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John Hernandez

Classroom Management Plan

Students will read the following rules and polices below and fully understand them. They will
abide by the rules and strive to be the best students they can be. Please have a parent go over this
with you as they, as well as you, will need to sign the last page.
1. Students will walk into the band room quietly.
2. Students will be seated with all supplies (instrument, music, other supplement supplies
relevant to their instrument) before the band director gets on the podium.
3. There will be no food allowed in the band room. Only water is allowed in a closed
container with a cap.
4. Lockers will be assigned to each student and not be shared. Lockers will be kept clean

and contain only instruments, music, and instrument supplies.

Students will treat one another with respect and use their best behavior at all times.
Students will raise their hand and wait to be called on.
Students will follow all school producers, rules and policies.
Students will play when asked and when appropriate.

Consequences: Will be documented and dated


Verbal warning
Instrument will be put away
Teacher and student meeting
After School Detention

5. Phone call to parent/guardian

6. Parent and teacher conference
7. Referral to the Principle

1. Students who have displayed their best behaviors at the end of every six weeks period
and have not and received any consequences will receive 20 Band dollars. Students who
have displayed good behavior but have received no more than a verbal warning will
receive 10 Band dollars at the end of the six-week period. At the end of the 3rd six-week
period, the students will have the opportunity to use their band dollars to get prizes from
the Band Prize Chest. Students may wish to use all their band dollars, some of their band
dollars or save their band dollars for the 6th six week period. Prizes included but are not
limited to: Gift cards, free instrument supplies, theme park tickets, movie passes, candy,
and toys.
2. All students who display their best behaviors will be taken on an end of the year trip to a
theme park or an adventurous outing as a band family.

Note: These rules and policies are put in place for the betterment and protection of the students
and the band program. These behavioral rules and consequences will come first before music and
individual performance skill. Any outstanding misconduct may result in immediate dismissal
from the program. Immediate removal can result from:

Use of alcohol and/or drugs in the band room/band trips

Purposely damaging band property
Purposely damaging other students instruments
Disrespect to a Band director, instructor, administrator, or chaperones
Verbal/Physical confrontations with other band students in the band room/band trips

Signature Page

Please sign on the line below. By signing you are stating that you (the parent/guardian) and your
student have read and understood the band rules and expectations as well as the consequences.

By signing below the student is stating they will abide by all the rules as stated. This page will
be kept on record by the band director.



Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Printed name

Student Signature

Student Printed Name


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