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Patrick has had another great term.

He is an enthusiastic learner
and loves to do well. Patrick is always eager to help others and is
a true role model to his peers. Patrick is a well-rounded student
with strengths and talent in academics, work habits, sports, and
citizenship. He continues to contribute comments during class
discussions, giving evidence of his understanding of topics we are
learning about. In Language Arts we have been working on daily
journaling. Patricks writing is well thought out and creatively put
Patrick has a strong work ethic and I have no doubt that he will do
very well in grade 2. Keep up the great work, Patrick. Have a
good summer and best of luck in grade 2!

Strengths shown this term:

-Contributes valuable ideas to discussions in class.
-Patrick takes his time on assignments and hands in his best work.
-Continues to show attention to detail in art projects.

Areas for Focus:

-Continue to work on reading confidence and word recognition.
-Work on printing skills.

Ways to support learning:

-Practice reading out loud to adults at home and at school.
-Review weekly sight word lists.
-Create letters using alternative processes: writing in sand or paint in a
plastic bag.

Josh continues to have a successful year. Josh is fun to be around.

He is friendly to all members of our school community. Josh
participates freely in discussions and enjoys sharing ideas with
others. His creativity shines during our afternoon True or False
attendance game. Josh has shown a keen interest in our butterfly
life cycle unit. Have a great summer, Josh. You are ready for grade

Strengths shown this term:

-Contributes to discussions in all subjects.
-Josh is enthusiastic about new topics and activities.
-Great participation and sportsmanship in P.E.
Areas for Focus:
-Self-regulation; controlling the number of callouts in class.
-Taking his time on assignments to fully meet all criteria.
-Continue to add more detail to writing.
Ways to support learning:
-Josh needs to remind himself to raise his hand before calling out.
-Keep working until the work period is over. Josh has the ability to produce
great work, he needs to slow down and take the time to put in his best

It has been great getting to know Sapphire this year. Sapphire is

a positive and dedicated member of our class. She is caring
towards friends. Sapphire has a lively imagination, which is
evident in her writing and artwork. Sapphire puts in effort to hand
in her best work. She takes time to add detail in her journal
pictures and writing. Sapphire has a strong work ethic and I have
no doubt that she will do very well in grade 2. Keep up the great
work, Sapphire! Have a great summer and good luck in grade 2!

Strengths shown this term:

-Sapphires creativity excels in her artwork.
-Continues to put in effort to improve her printing formation.
-Sapphire had great success in coming up with ideas to graph her fellow
classmates on during our graphing unit in math.
Areas for Focus:
-Being on task during read to self.
-Continue to work on giving full attention to the person speaking.
-Word recognition.
Ways to support learning:
-Practice quiet reading at home and at school. Read in a spot with minimal
-Turn to the speaker and remember RSR listening expectations.
-Review sight words. Say them out loud and write them out.

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