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What effects can a childhood toy, Barbies, have on society?

Do they play a role in the

development of an active imagination or an individuals self image?

This research question is interesting to me because I am undecided on the recent

controversy over a famous childhood toy, Barbies. To me, it is easy to see why some argue that

Comment [AP1]: Incorporate the research question into the

paper itself. The title shouldnt be part of the content. It
should, instead, be a distillation of the content.

the stereotypical blonde, white Barbies with completely unrealistic body proportions could
negatively impact young girls who do not fit this standard. However, I can also see some merit
in the argument that the Barbies are simply play things, and they cannot be over analyzed. My
values are tested in this research because on the one hand, I hate the idea of children being
conditioned from such a young age to find flaws in themselves, however, I also have a tendency
to dislike the coddling of todays youth. I think this topic and the research involved will make
me discover where I draw the line between these two things. I personally did not play with
Barbies when I was a child, however, my little sisters were obsessed. I also have experience with

Comment [AP2]: I like the personal experience you bring to

this. Really sets up a better sense of exigency.

self-image issues and have dealt with it amongst several friends.

"With 33 New Looks, Barbie Is Finally Embracing Different Standards of Beauty." Vox.
The first article (Vox article) claims that all ideas of beauty do not have equal representation, and
then notes that Mattel will look to help close the gap of representation with the release of the
updated Barbies. The article quoted a statement from Mattel "By introducing more variety into
the line, Barbie is offering girls choices that are better reflective of the world they see today," as
a piece of evidence on the motives of the release. The quote also speaks to the influence of the
dolls. The article also references a study from the 1940s in which young black children were
asked several questions about two dolls, one doll of color, one white doll, to determine which
one the had been conditioned internally to find more beautiful. Though the source is known to be

Comment [AP3]: Interesting.

an entertainment source, the seriousness with which this paper is written, as well as the
evidence included, give it validity. Also, being as this is a social issue and there is not true right
or wrong answer, this source is a good representation of the general argument for the updated
"The New Realistic Barbies Squash Kids' Imaginations." New York Post.
The second source says that the new Barbies will limit the imagination of this generation. She
argues this with personal experience saying she made Barbies who ever she wanted them to be.
She insists that the new Barbies will pressure children into getting Barbies that they look like.
For example, a young girl may feel as if though she has to get a Barbie that looks like her. This
author argues that this taboo would cause children to lose the imagination aspect involved with
making their Barbie whoever they wanted them to be. The major values at play here are those
related to coddling todays youth and limiting them by doing so. The source seems credible
because of the association with The New York Post .
Roundup: Here's What People Are Saying About Barbie's Diversity Makeover NPR.
The third article analyzes the motivation of Mattel in releasing its new Barbies as well as the
potential detriments it will exhibit. The article basically compiles evidence from other articles.
The major values at stake here are holding Mattel accountable as a large business. In other
words, knowing that they are a business and as such they are always interested in sales.
Ultimately the decision to release these new Barbies was most likely not related to the effect that
the childhood toy either does or does not have on young people. The source is a well known
news source that has acquired credibility because of the nature of the news, as well as the
reliability of the news.

Comment [AP4]: Okay, can you put this source in concert

with the other sources? In other words, how are these
insights similar or different from the other sources?

The research question is arguable because there are several major schools of thought
involved directly with the opinions of this topic. There is also data that supports each side of

Comment [AP5]: Like what? Offer more specifics.

the argument. Because of the nature of the topic, there are many agreements and disagreements
amongst the articles. Any social issue is not going to be a clear cut debate. The different
perspectives of these three sources make me think more about the implications of this trend. I
might need to revise my question to make it so I have a more definitive state in my paper.
I like the idea of investigating the affect toys have on self-image. Seem to be a rich place for
inquiry. But as your paper points out, your inquiry is really broad and unclear. You have some
interesting discussions happening in your sources, but Id like to see how you have construed
these discussions so far. What are you initial thoughts? Im not getting a clear enough of a sense
of a particular direction.

Comment [AP6]: A question isnt a statement, certainly not

a definitive one.

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