Acle 2015 Reference Letter

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Associazione Culturale Linguistica Educational

Via Roma 54
18038 Sanremo (IM)
Tel. 0184 506070
Fax 0184 509996 www
Accreditata dal M.I.U.R Prot. n 1011, 23 giugno 2006

2 October 2015
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to confirm that Jasmine Hodgins successfully completed the Teaching
English through Theatre and Play (TEFL.TP) course organized by the Associazione
Culturale Linguistica Educational (ACLE) in the summer of 2015. ACLEs
educational programmes are accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education; ACLEs
TEFL.TP course, in addition, is accredited by the World TEFL Accrediting
This course, consisting of a training phase and field experience, prepares mothertongue English speakers to tutor Italian children and teenagers in English through
creative, dynamic TEFL-based activities. Elements of the course include how to use
drama, arts & crafts, music, language games, paralinguistics, icebreakers, and teambuilding activities to motivate students, expose them to Anglophone cultures, and
improve both their accuracy and fluency. Throughout the course, each tutors progress
is carefully monitored and evaluated by ACLEs trainers and Summer Camp
During the field experience at ACLEs English Summer Camps, Jasmine was
responsible for collaborating closely with other tutors and Italian staff in order to
creative a fun, supportive environment for the students. Jasmine tutored for a total of
240 hours in various locations in Italy. At each camp, she was responsible for tutoring
and supervising a group of students and organizing small-group and camp-wide
Being an ACLE tutor is a challenging role that requires energy, dedication, creativity,
diligence, teamwork, and responsibilityqualities that Jasmine Hodgins
demonstrated during the training and in the field. Future employers will find much to
commend in Her.
Kind regards,

Michael Aliprandini
ACLE Teacher Trainer

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