Argumentative Rough Draft

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Argumentative Rough Draft

The first reason as to why guns should not be permitted on college campuses is
because they cause violence. When it comes to school shootings, its safe to say
that if guns where openly permitted on college campuses, there could be a higher
rate of shooting. In April 20th 1999 there was the horrific incident that was the
Columbine shooting. Two heavily armed young men stormed a suburban Denver
high school at midday today and, in a shooting rampage on a scale unprecedented
in an American school, killed as many as 25 students and faculty members.
(Kenworthy 1). These two young men were corrupted in this intricate and delicate
world. In article referenced, it goes on to say as to how the shooters obtained their
weapons. With it being easy these to obtain a firearm, it should be no surprise as to
how simple it was for these criminals to get a hold of one. The two shooter had
gotten the weapons legally from a comrade who was of legal requirement. Theres a
second amendment that allows all citizens the right to bear arms, and even with the
columbine school prohibited guns at the school there still was a shooting. Crime in
evitable, so from a logistic standpoint if the columbine school were to allow firearms
at their establishment it can only make the process of a school shooting easier.
The second reason guns should not be allowed in college campuses is
because of its effects on students. When it comes to allowing firearms in schools
there is not just the effect of their being a school shooting. Students can not only
fear their classmates but also their selves. Its usual common knowledge that some
people in colleges have times of having their mature fun, whether it be drugs or
alcohol. Its not to say all college students partake in these activities but there is a
viewable percentage. Nearly half of America's full-time college students abuse
drugs or binge drink at least once a month. For college gun owners, the rate of
binge-drinking is even higher - two-thirds. (Carter 1). People can get reckless when
it comes to drinking especially in college. If someone were to have their child go to
college and spend their free times with their friends drinking in their dorms, whos
to say that that people will not cause an accident with being equipped a fire arm. As
pure as this person soul was, he or she is gone and now that persons family has to
pay this heavy price. Everyone that loved that person has to continue their
existence with one less hand to hold, a hand that couldve lived another day. As
people dust off the ashes of that who left, they cannot remove the emotional scars
that still bare.
The third and final reason as to why guns should not be allowed on campus is
because of the effects on the school itself. Students can have the fear of one
another with everyone being able to equip a fire arms. With most people seeing
everyone with a weapon on campus, this can influence the person to not go to this
college at all. My daughters aren't old enough to be at a college or university yet,
[Republican representative Kevin] Cooke said, but, God willing, one day they will
and I want them to be able to be safe. (Aaron 1). Not only with the college have
less students, but the academic level of citizens in American will be remain low
because this fear of assault. Campuses should make their area as safe as possible
by restricting the possession of a firearm.

There are some counter arguments that can be used for the claims presented in this
writing. One common counter argument is that guns dont kill people, people kill
people. The problem with his is that although it is true that people do kill people and
that it is meaningless to blame the weapon, people need to take in consideration
that not everyone is mentally stable. If everyone where to be allowed a fire arm
theres a much higher chance of an act occurring compared to when its prohibited.
The crime rate at my alma mater, Boise State University, and the other colleges in
Idaho is extremely low. (Ceniceros 1). This is referring to how in Idaho there are
some colleges that prohibit baring arms in campus. Although guns itself arent the
problem, its the distribution of guns to everyone that makes it so. Guns may not
people, but if people were to give just anyone a gun, there should not be a surprise
as to there being more problems. Another common counter argument is that people
want guns to protect themselves from criminals. The same logic can be applied here
where if everyone where to have the same mindset, everyone would have a weapon
including potential criminals. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy with someone
wanting to protect themselves from a crime, unintentionally enabled one.

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