Celebration Guideline

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David Bollish

Celebrations 2013

To increase students awareness of growth

What behaviors will demonstrate that we are making
progress toward this goal?
1. Students will be able to describe what growth is.
2. Students will understand achievement and process of
growth including failure
3. Students will be able to describe why they are working
towards betterment
4. Students will tell and/or write at least 5 goals they
5. Students will be periodically asked and required to
provide an answer the question, What are three things
you can do today that you couldnt do last year.
6. Students will independently acknowledge positive
things in their
lives (What Went Well). (Amy Sather)
How should we recognize/celebrate individuals who
demonstrate each of these behaviors?
1. We will listen and encourage others to push themselves
2. We will give relevant feedback and ask questions about
Growth and progress towards their goals.
3. We will document, share, and look back upon to build
our classroom and school culture around success and
When did you recognize this behavior?
Growth will have to be recognized periodically on a
case by case basis as well as weekly on a scheduled
basis. (This will take place during students
celebrations of learning).
1. During class
2. Throughout the school day
3. Shared group and team meetings, with staff and parents
when possible and appropiate.

David Bollish
Celebrations 2013

When the overall goal is reached, how will you

celebrate this milestone achievement?
The achievement will be shared with the staff and
students as well as the community and public high school. It
may be done at the end of the year or semester which ever
allows for an accurate and appropriate celebration of growth.
I believe that this school will especially be able to celebrate
such achievements because their individual goals will be so
deeply rooted with their personal desires and their
aspirations for post secondary school.
Alternative Celebrations: Students
Opening day of school: Beginning of legacy
Completion of Outdoor retreat
Goals list- maybe the first time any have ever really had any
Acknowledgment and appreciation of first success
Acknowledgement and appreciation of first failure
Being part of a team
Being a leader
Helping a person
Taking a college class
Getting a job
Getting an A
Graduating High School
Alternative Celebrations: Staf
Opening day
Student culture
Student Leadership, ownership, responsibility

David Bollish
Celebrations 2013
Being part of a team
Supporting a colleague
Outstanding student participation or achievement (Meeting

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